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The Ruffed Grouse is frequently referred to as the partridge. This is technically wrong - partridges are unrelated phasianids, and in hunting may lead to confusion with the Grey Partridge, it is a bird of woodlands, not open areas. The Ruffed Grouse is also sometimes called a grinch in parts of rural Kentucky and Ohio, likely due to its spectral quality in the woods.
The Ruffed grouse is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
The ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus) is a medium-sized grouse occurring in forests from the Appalachian Mountains across Canada to Alaska. It is non-migratory. The Ruffed Grouse is frequently referred to as the "partridge". This is technically wrong - partridges are unrelated phasianids, and in hunting may lead to confusion with the Grey Partridge, it is a bird of woodlands, not open areas. More
(Trematoda: Eucotylidae) from ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus) in two Wisconsin counties. Pro. Helminthol. Soc. Wash. 48(2).:245-246. 1903* Fallis, A.M., Bennett, G.F. 1958. Transmission of Leucocytozoon bonasae Clarke to ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus L.) by the black flies Simulum latipes mg. and Simulum aurem Fries. Can. J. Zool. 36.:533-539. 1913* Peters, H.S. 1936. A list of external parasites from birds of the eastern part of the United States. Bird-Banding 7.:9-27. More
The Ruffed Grouse is a medium bird found in the forests of the Appalachian Mountains in Canada and Alaska. This species is non-migratory, meaning it is a permanent, year-round resident of its natural habitat. The Ruffed Grouse is frequently called the “Partridge”. These birds prefer areas of aspen and mixed woodlands. Food is found by foraging on the ground, and diets consist of plant buds, leaves, berries, seeds and insects. Most of the Ruffed Grouse’s time is spent on the ground. More
The Delaware Valley Chapter of the Ruffed Grouse Society was created In 1984, at the Reading Banquet when Bill Goudy announced that the Ruffed Grouse Society would like to have another Chapter in Southeastern Pennsylvania. The Delaware Valley Chapter would be founded by Ray Giuliani, Phil Donato, Peter Delcolla, and Dick Hynes. Captain Timmins, Art Mostardi, and Walt Cope would also join the committee shortly after the Chapter was created. The first banquet would be held in 1985 at a town house in Media, Pennsylvania. More
The Ruffed Grouse Societys role in conservation of wildlife habitat is to enhance the environment for the Ruffed Grouse, American Woodcock and other forest wildlife that require or utilize thick, young forests. Welcome to the Maine Chapter of the Ruffed Grouse Society. With the help of this website, we will keep our members informed of chapter events and activities and habitat/land management in Maine. We hope you enjoy your visit with us. More
The Ruffed Grouse, although a constant resident in the districts which it frequents, performs partial sorties at the approach of autumn. These are not equal in extent to the peregrinations of the Wild Turkey, our little Partridge, or the Pinnated Grouse, but are sufficiently so to become observable during the seasons when certain portions of the mountainous districts which they inhabit becomes less abundantly supplied with food than others. More
Many people's first experience with the Ruffed Grouse is when it explodes from the forest floor in a flurry of wings. Often, it's gone before they can turn around. The grouse's cryptic coloration and slow, deliberate walk make it virtually invisible. More
Ruffed grouse live mainly on berries, fruits, seeds, and buds but also eat much animal food. They are 16 – 20 in. (40 – 50 cm) long and have feathered lower legs and a black band on the fan-shaped tail. The male's ruff consists of erectile black feathers on the sides of the neck. Males beat their wings rapidly against the air (called drumming) to proclaim their territory. For more information on ruffed grouse, visit Britannica.com. More
The Ruffed Grouse is frequently referred to as the "partridge". This is technically wrong - partridges are unrelated phasianids, and in hunting may lead to confusion with the Grey Partridge. That species was introduced to North America from Europe; it is a bird of open areas, not woodlands. The Ruffed Grouse is also the state bird of Pennsylvania. Description Ruffed Grouse have two distinct morphs, grey and brown. More
One of the state's most popular native game birds, ruffed grouse have been a favorite target for generations of New York bird hunters. Despite declines in their numbers, ruffed grouse are still common, particularly in younger forests, and provide excellent hunting opportunities. Grouse attract thousands of hunters with their shotguns and bird dogs who spend many days walking old woods roads eagerly anticipating the exciting flush of a grouse bursting from cover. Grouse are challenging quarry, rapidly flying and dodging through trees and thick cover. More
When a ruffed grouse flushes from underfoot, the loud sound can startle even experienced outdoors people. This woodland bird is the most popular of Minnesota's upland game birds. Noted for its muffled drumming sounds during the spring mating season, the ruffed grouse is present in Minnesota forests from Iowa to Manitoba. Identification General description: During courtship, ruffed grouse display banded fan-shaped tails. Males also have a concealed neck ruff (hence the name "ruffed grouse") that they display during courtship. More
Ruffed grouse are one of the most popular upland game birds to hunt. Ruffed grouse are most commonly known for their distinctive More
The Ruffed Grouse has neck feathers that the male can erect like a sunshade. More
the male ruffed grouse beats the air with his wings to make a loud drumming sound. It's such a deep sound that you feel it more than hear it. He does this to show where his territory is and to attract females. Another characteristic of this bird is their ability to stay perfectly still if they are threatened. Only when the predator (or unknowing hiker) is within a few feet of the grouse will it leave cover and blast into the air in a flurry of wings. More
grouse1_bw_t (7K) Ruffed Grouse, often called native partridge on the Island, are pigeon-sized birds belonging to the chicken family. They are forest-dwellers, commonly seen along woods roads or venturing into orchards and hedgerows. Except during the breeding season they are usually solitary birds, unlike the Hungarian (grey) partridge. In recent years the introduced Sharptail Grouse is sometimes mistaken for the native, but the Sharptail, as its name tells you, has a distinctive sharp tail, and is more greyish in colour. More
Ruffed grouse are the most widely distributed game bird in North America. They rank among the smaller of the 10 species of grouse native to North America with weights ranging from 17 to 25 oz. The subspecies that inhabits Maine is the St. Lawrence or Canada ruffed grouse. Plumage of the ruffed grouse is subtly and beautifully marked in a way that blends remarkably with their habitat. More
• 2009 Ruffed Grouse and American Woodcock Status in Michigan PDF icon • Managing Grouse in Michigan • Seasons & Bag Limits 2009 • Ruffed Grouse Conservation Plan and Executive Report • Become a Ruffed Grouse and American Woodcock Cooperator • 2009 Grouse and Woodcock Early Season Report PDF icon • 2008 Grouse and Woodcock Cooperator Report and 2009 Hunting Forecast PDF icon • 2009 Grouse Drumming Survey Report PDF icon More
Ruffed grouse live in 34 of the 49 continental states and in all Canadian provinces. Michigan is an important portion of the grouse range. Often thought of as a bird of the deep forest, grouse actually thrive best in young, aspen forests and brushlands. When aspen is not available, oak, lowland brush, and dense stands of trees are optional habitats. Grouse are a welcome sight at bird feeders in neighborhoods where natural habitat is available. Despite human encroachment, grouse are able to survive. More
The ruffed grouse is a bird (Class: Aves) related to chickens, turkeys, pheasants, quail, etc. (Order: Galliformes). It is grouped with other grouse and ptarmigan in its own family (Family: Tetraonidae). Both its scientific names come from Latin: Genus: Bonasa - refers to "being good when roasted!" (No, we're not kidding!) Bonus = "good", assum = "roasted"; at least, that's one interpretation. More
Ruffed grouse is the common name for a medium-sized North American , Bonasa umbellus, characterized by mottled gray-brown or red-brown plumage, feathered lower legs, erectile black feathers on the sides of the neck of the ruff (collar of prominent feathers), and a fan-shaped tail with a distinctive black band. The male ruffed grouse is known for loudly drumming its wings, sometimes on a fallen log, to attract females. It is non-migratory. More
The Ruffed Grouse Society of Canada is a non-profit organization dedicated to revitalizing woodland habitat for ruffed grouse, woodcock and other forest wildlife. Ruffed grouse The distinctive drumming of the ruffed grouse is music to the ears of avid bird hunters and wildlife enthusiasts alike. It is, however, a sound heard in fewer and fewer locations as suburban sprawl, expanding agriculture and commercial development rob this elusive game bird of habitat. More
Ruffed Grouse Lodge located in Phillips Wisconsin Ruffed Grouse Lodge is a premium vacation facility for year around rental on beautiful Wilson Lake in Phillips, Wisconsin. Situated on 105 acres of private Northwoods vacationland in Price County, Ruffed Grouse Lodge is the perfect setting for vacationers seeking peace and solitude but who also desire outdoor adventure only steps away. More
About RGS Ruffed Grouse & Woodcock RGS in Maine Banquets & Events Scholarship Maine Bird Dog Clubs Bonasa umbellus American Woodcock Ruffed Grouse are gallinaceous birds related to quail, turkey, pheasants and ptarmigan. They’re found throughout much of the northern part of the continent in areas of suitable habitat. Ruffed grouse do not migrate. More
Ruffed Grouse Society | Dedicated to the hunting and conservation of young forest species * Join & Renew Direct * Members Only HOME RGS MAGAZINE ABOUT US CHAPTER INFO CONSERVATION NEWS AND EVENTS SHOP RGS Latest Video = Video of what is often called a “tame” grouse submitted by Bob Bearmam | credits: keloland. More
Ruffed Grouse have become established where they were not native in both Newfoundland and Nevada by transplanting wild-trapped birds. On the Pacific Coast, Ruffed Grouse occur on the western slopes of the Cascades and in the coastal ranges south into northwestern California (but not in the high Sierras), and north to the Yukon River valley in Alaska. More
Ruffed Grouse Society providing grouse habitat management and information Magazine about grouse and other upland bird hunting - www.uplandalmanac.com Ruffed Grouse Description -The ruffed grouse is identified by its tail with a black band near the end and the patch of feathers "ruffs" on the neck. The birds have two distinct color phases, both of which may occur in the same family. More
The throbbing drum of the ruffed grouse pulses in spring through the woodlands of Interior Alaska wherever stands of aspen and birch break the uniformity of the northern spruce forest. But ruffed grouse are most abundant where dense stands of young aspen or birch have become established after a fire or timber harvest. More
The ruffed grouse is the most abundant of the four native grouse species that include sharptails, prairie chickens and spruce grouse. The ruffed grouse is also called a "partridge", and is a chicken-like bird measuring about 15-19 inches from beak beak to tail with rather short, rounded wings that spread from 22-25 inches and the prominent tail that is about 5-7 inches long. Both sexes are similar, but adult males average 20-24 ounces while females are 17-21 ounces. More