Bearded Tree Quail

The Bearded Wood-partridge is a species of bird in the Odontophoridae family. It is found only in Mexico. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist montanes and plantations . It is threatened by habitat loss.

The Bearded Tree Quail is classified as Vulnerable (VU), considered to be facing a high risk of extinction in the wild.

The Bearded Tree Quail is kept in Mexico: _________________ "Listening to someone with a big ego is kind of like walking through a field of cows. It's a long and pointless journey and there is going to be a lot of crap on the way." Charles N. More

personal take, for example of finding Bearded Tree Quail at a family in Puerto El Rayo, and it successfully breeding in New York. He includes tails of exotic birds he has studied, such as the Australian Bustard (the heaviest flying bird in the world). His chapter "The Gift of the Cranes" is the most poetic and soars above the commonplace with a story of his seven-year-old granddaughter to see the cranes on the Platte River. More

Order : Galliformes
Family : Odontophoridae
Genus : Dendrortyx
Species : barbatus
Authority : Gould, 1846