The Rackettailed Roller is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
Rackettailed Roller, Mashona Hyliota or the Yellowbilled Oxpecker on buffalo. At Pafuri Picnic Site, the Trumpeter Hornbill, Purplecrested Lourie, Wattleeyed Flycatcher, Tropical Boubou, Longtailed Starling, Narina Trogon, Gorgeous, Greyheaded and Orangebreasted Bush Shrike and several different species of robin, sunbird and firefinch are found. Rare birds include the Cinnamon Dove, Brown Robin and the Wood Owl. At Crook's Corner, there might be sightings of the Whitefronted Bee-eater, Broadbilled Roller or the Scalythroated Honeyguide while the Lemonbreasted Canary is found in the Hyphaene palms. More