Pied Heron

The Pied Heron, Ardea picata, also known as the Pied Egret is a bird found in coastal and subcoastal areas of monsoonal northern Australia as well as some parts of Wallacea and New Guinea.

Picture of the Pied Heron has been licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike.
Original source: Own work
Author: JJ Harrison (http://www.noodlesnacks.com/)Camera location

The Pied Heron is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.

The Pied Heron, Ardea picata, also known as the Pied Egret is a bird found in coastal and subcoastal areas of monsoonal northern Australia as well as some parts of Wallacea and New Guinea. Contents - * 1 Taxonomy * 2 Description * 3 Distribution and Habitat * 4 Behaviour * 4. More

* Pied Heron (Ardea picata) Pied Heron (Ardea picata) * Alison Green Designs Alison Green Designs * Australian animals - birds - Pied Heron Australian animals - birds - Pied Heron * File:Pied heron.JPG - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia File:Pied heron. More

The Pied Heron is grey with a yellow bill and legs. The top of the head and crest is black and face and neck are white. Immatures are brown or grey above with no crest and have white head, neck and underside. More

The Pied Heron, Ardea picata, is found in coastal and subcoastal areas of monsoonal northern Australia as well as some parts of Wallacea and New Guinea. It is a small heron, with dark slaty wings, body and crested head, with a white throat and neck. Immature birds lack the crest as well as the dark colouring on the head and may look like small versions of the White-necked Heron. Its habitat mainly comprises a range of wetlands and wet grasslands. More

Bibliography used on the Pied Heron (Egretta picata) in the Birds in the Zoo. More

Pied Heron in Gagudju Resort These noble-looking little herons live next Yellow Waters - probably most of them near the Gagudju Cooinda lodge. They realized life can be so much easier when picking up what falls down from people's tables. But they appear very serious and concentrated on their business. Keeping their eyes on the ground they don't even seem to notice all the human beings around, for them we're as interesting as a moving tree. More

The Pied Heron (Egretta picata) in the Birds. More

* The Pied Heron, Ardea picata, also known as the Pied Egret is a bird found in coastal and subcoastal areas of monsoonal northern Australia as well as some parts of Wallacea and New Guinea. * 白頸黑鷺(Ardea picata)是分佈在澳洲北部、華萊士區及新畿內亞海岸及亞海岸的鷺屬。 白頸黑鷺體型細小,雙翼、身體及頭部呈深灰色,頸部及喉嚨呈白色。雛鳥頭上沒有冠及深色部份,外觀像白頸鷺。牠們棲息在濕地及潮濕草原,主要吃昆蟲及其他細小的水生動物。牠們會在樹上及紅樹林築巢。 * La garceta Pía (Ardea picata) es una garza sedentaria proveniente de Australia, Indonesia y Nueva Guinea. More

Juvenile Pied Heron (Ardea picata) on Yellow Waters. Image number: 24775-47 - ‹close * Add to lightbox * Add to shopping cart * ‹ Prev Next › Caption Juvenile Pied Heron (Ardea picata) on Yellow Waters. More

Heron, Great Blue Heron, Pied Heron, Pacific Heron, Purple Heron click on the thumbnail images on the right of the table to see a larger preview of each image Reference Number English Name Scientific Name Photo Details: Native Region of Species Largest Image Size Available (in pixels) Click Thumbnail for Preview Description Locality Country More

Picture of Ardea picata above has been licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike.
Original source: Victor Burolla
Author: Victor Burolla
Permission: Some rights reserved
Order : Ciconiiformes
Family : Ardeidae
Genus : Ardea
Species : picata
Authority : Gould, 1845