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This is a migratory species wintering on coasts in Africa, South America, south Asia into Australasia and southern North America. It is also a coastal bird during migration. It is fairly gregarious outside the breeding season.
The Whimbrel is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
The Whimbrel is the world's widest ranging curlew, nesting in the arctic regions of both the Old and New Worlds and wintering on coasts of southern North America through South America and, in the Old World, on the coasts of southern Asia south to Australia, and Africa. It is a large brownish shorebird with its most striking feature being its long down-curved bill. More
A Whimbrel that was banded in New South Wales was re-captured on the Kamchatka Peninsula in Siberia. Facts and figures Research Species: No Minimum size: 40 cm Maximum size: 45 cm Average size: 43 cm Average weight: 350 g Breeding season: May to August Clutch size: Three to four. More
The Whimbrel has a distinct head pattern, with dark-and-light alternating stripes. The rest of its plumage is plain mottled-brown overall, and does not vary season to season. In flight, it appears brown all over, with a white belly. Its bill is solid black in summer and has a pinkish or reddish base during winter. More
Links to Additional Whimbrel Information * All About Birds Species Account (Cornell Lab of Ornithology) Other Links Related to Birds * All Bird Plan * Important Bird Areas * Managing Habitat for Grassland Birds * All About Birds (Cornell Lab of Ornithology) * Wisconsin Colonial Waterbird Survey Last Revised: July 09, 2009 More
HMS Whimbrel is the last surviving Royal Navy warship present at the Japanese Surrender in World War II. She was a sloop of the Black Swan class, laid down on 31 October 1941 to the pennant of U29 at the famed yards of Yarrow Shipbuilders, Scotstoun, Glasgow. Launched on 25 August 1942 almost nine months after laying down which was about average for this class of vessel. More
The Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus, is a wader in the large family Scolopacidae. It is the one of the most widespread of the curlews, breeding across much of subarctic North America, Europe and Asia as far south as Scotland. This is a migratory species wintering on coasts in Africa, South America, south Asia into Australasia and southern North America. It is also a coastal bird during migration. It is fairly gregarious outside the breeding season. More
The whimbrel is also found in Eurasia. Habitat The whimbrel lives on the tundra in breeding season, in the winter it is found in coastal areas on mudflats, marshes, and shorelines. Diet The whimbrel uses its long, curved bill to probe deep in the sand and mud for food. It wades in shallow water in search of crabs, fish, worms, and mollusks. It also eats insects, seeds, berries and leaves. More
Hope, a rare whimbrel, has returned to Virginia after wintering on St. Croix. The small brown bird named Hope has returned to Virginia after wintering on St. Croix. In less than a year, the bird has travelled more than 14,170 miles and is the star of a research project to study the migration patterns of whimbrels. More
● Foraging & Feeding: Whimbrel: Feeds on insects, snails, slugs, crabs, shrimp, mollusks, and worms. Probes deeply into mud and moves as it feeds. Also picks off food found on the ground. Sometimes takes large prey, tearing it into pieces small enough to eat. ● Breeding & nesting: Whimbrel: Three to five olive to buff eggs tinted with brown and lavender are laid in a shallow depression lined with soft grasses, mosses, and lichens. Both parents incubate the eggs for about 28 days. More
* Some migrating Whimbrels make a nonstop flight of 4,000 km (2,500 miles) from southern Canada or New England to South America. * Four distinct subspecies of Whimbrel are recognized: one breeds in North America, one from Iceland to northwest Siberia, one in southern Russia, and one in eastern Siberia. The American form was formerly considered a separate species, the Hudsonian Curlew. More
The Whimbrel is a large wader at 18 inches in length and has a wingspan of 32 inches. It is mainly greyish brown, with a white back and rump and a long curved bill (longest in the adult female) with a kink rather than a smooth curve. It is generally wary. The Whimbrels usual call is a rippling whistle, prolonged into a trill for the song. More
The whimbrel, named Winnie, completed this apparent nonstop flight of more than 5,000 km (3,200 miles) in 146 hours. This discovery sets a new distance record in the flight range of this species and highlights the hemispheric importance of the Delmarva Peninsula as a staging area for migratory shorebirds. The flight challenges some long-held assumptions and raises several new questions about whimbrel ecology. Migration paths of Whimbrel tagged in Virginia 2008-2009. More
Whimbrels breed in the high Arctic, and one must travel there to hear their song, an eerie rolling whistle. Calls suggest a yellowlegs, but are more rapid and tinnier, with more notes to a series. Preferred habitats include mudflats, marshes, and sometimes grassy expanses of airports. Reproduction and Care of the Young Breeding takes place in Arctic Canada and Alaska. Nests are on the ground in depressions of moss or other vegetation. More
Some migrating Whimbrels make a nonstop flight of 4,000 km (2,500 miles) from southern Canada or New England to South America. In many regions, the primary winter food of the Whimbrel is crab. The curve of the Whimbrel's bill nicely matches the shape of fiddler crab burrows. The bird reaches into the crab's burrow, extracts the crab, washes it if it is muddy, and sometimes breaks off the claws and legs before swallowing it. Indigestible parts are excreted in fecal pellets. More
seen regularly at this time of year, the Whimbrel being one of them. The problem with Whimbrel is that they can be difficult to tell from a Curlew sometimes it helps to see both together. I wonder how many of us have dismissed a Whimbrel as 'just another Curlew'? The key really is the bill; long and down turned like a Curlew, but no where near as long. It also seems to bend at a point two-thirds down whereas the Curlew's bill is a more gentle curve. More
After “Winnie” the whimbrel departed Virginia’s Eastern Shore in June carrying a tiny satellite transmitter, the big shorebird presented researchers with even bigger surprises. Winnie flew nonstop — 3,200 miles in 146 hours — to the MacKenzie River near the Alaska-Canada border. Unfortunately, migration is a treacherous enterprise. Biologists believe Winnie either died or lost her transmitter along the shores of Lake Superior in August. More
Whimbrels eat mostly burrowing crabs. The next major item on the menu are fish. But they will eat a wide variety of crustaceans, aquatic invertebrates, insects, worms and molluscs. They also snack on seeds, berries and leaves, particularly in late summer as insect populations begin to dwindle. Whimbrels probe deeply and move as they feed. They may also pick off food found on the surface. They can take large prey, tearing it to pieces before eating it. More
WhimbrelThe whimbrel is a large shorebird that is about 14 inches in length. It has a long, down-curved, dark brown bill and long gray legs. It is a streaked brown on its uppersides, streaked brown on its neck and breast and white on its belly and rump. More
The Whimbrel is one of the largest limicolous of the European fauna. Its plumage is simple, but it has a long down-curved bill which seems too large for such a small head. (Bill length: 6 to 9 cm). VOICE: The Whimbrel’s usual call is a rapid “neigh” or stammering, a series of 6 to 8 soft whistles “dididididididi” or “puhuhuhuhuhuhuhu” uttered with variable intensity, sometimes accompanied by a simple “curliii” if the bird is suddenly excited. More
The whimbrel is a large wading bird. It has longish legs and a long bill that curves near the tip. It is brownish above and whitish below. In flight, it shows a white 'V' shape up its back from its tail. In the UK, this species only breeds in north Scotland. It is a passage migrant to other areas in spring and autumn on its way from and to its wintering areas in South Africa. The Shetland and Orkney breeding population has been slowly increasing. More
Whimbrel - Numenius phaeopusThe Whimbrel is a very widespread shorebird, breeding throughout the Arctic, and wintering along the coasts of every continent except Antarctica. The American subspecies was once considered its own species, formerly called the Hudsonian Curlew, but all four distinct subspecies in the world were then reclassified under one species. There are some distinct plumage differences between North American birds and their Eurasian counterparts, however. More
The Whimbrel is one of the eight remaining species of curlew. It is a shy bird, but can be spotted along the shore of North America, Europe and Asia in the summer and in South America in the winter. They are waders and use their long curved beaks to probe the ground in mudflats and along the shore in search of fiddler crabs and worms. More
John Livingston, president of HMS Whimbrel Battle of the Atlantic Memorial project, on behalf of Capt Johnnie Walker's Old Boys Association.HMS Whimbrel plaque presented to city ... could the warship herself ... by Daily Post (Liverpool, England)The whimbrel is faring even worse, with only 150-200 pairs left in the Northern Isles, a decline of more than 50 per cent in 20 years. More
If you see any Whimbrel with Colour Ring on please let us have full details by e-mail - info@whimbrel.info. Satellite Image of Whimbrels Location courtesy of Google Earth. Download Free via Icon below. Follow this Link for Free Google Earth Download Site To Visit our New Whimbrel Kids Web Site Click on the Logo below Whimbrel Kids Web Site Welcome to the Whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus) Research and Satellite Tracking Web Site. More
vues paulcking — 14 novembre 2009 — A Whimbrel, a small Curlew, is seen on the Lancashire coast. paulcking — 14 novembre 2009 — A Whimbrel, a small Curlew, is seen on the Lancashire coast.Catégorie : Animaux Tags :Whimbrel wader wildlife migration. More