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The Purple Sandpiper, Calidris, Arquatella or Erolia maritima is a small shorebird.
The Purple Sandpiper is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
anyway) cold and wet, Purple Sandpipers got the rough end of the deal when winter habitats were doled out (“European Swallows? You take sub-Saharan Africa, Enjoy. Dendroica? You lot on the right take the Caribbean, you on the left…how about Panama? Have fun. More
Purple SandpiperCalidris maritima Order CHARADRIIFORMES – Family SCOLOPACIDAE Issue No. 706 Authors: Payne, Laura X., and Elin P. Pierce * Articles * Multimedia * References Courtesy Preview This Introductory article that you are viewing is a courtesy preview of the full life history account of this species. The remaining articles (Distribution, Habitat, Behavior, etc. More
The Purple Sandpiper, Calidris, Arquatella or Erolia maritima is a small shorebird. Adults have short yellow legs and a medium thin dark bill with a yellow base. The body is dark on top with a slight purplish gloss and mainly white underneath. The breast is smeared with grey and the rump is black. Their breeding habitat is the northern tundra on Arctic islands in Canada and coastal areas in Greenland and northwestern Europe. More
A Purple Sandpiper has been wintering on the jetties adjacent to Quintana and Surfside Beaches, near Freeport, Texas. It has been mentioned on the Texas RBA alert for several weeks, so we went to see if we could add it to our US list, and were very fortunate to find it, on Saturday, March 8th, 2003. It was feeding with a group of Ruddy Turnstones on the Surfside Jetty. More
05101 - Purple Sandpiper - Calidris maritima Orange flag with 3 black letters (on right tibia) and yellow ring (on left tibia). Kjell Mork Soot, Geilane N-6060 Hareid, Norway. e-mail: kjellmorksoot ADD fugler.com. tel. : +047-70092443. mobile : +047-91308487 note 1 : right tibia : orange flag engraved in black with three letters ; left tibia: yellow ring ; left tarsus: metal ring. More
The Purple Sandpiper has a large range, estimated globally at 1,000,000 to 10,000,000 square kilometers. Native to Europe and North America, this bird prefers grassland, wetland, and marine ecosystems as well as rocky areas. The global population of this bird is estimated at 170,000 to 220,000 individuals and does not show signs of decline that would necessitate inclusion on the IUCN Red List. For this reason, the current evaluation status of the Purple Sandpiper is Least Concern. More
The purple sandpiper is a stocky wader with dark brown plumage and an elongate, slightly downcurved, bill that is about 3 cm long. The sexes are similar in appearance. Adult birds are about 21 cm long and weigh 60-100 g. In summer the plumage is grey-black on the back with rusty-red and yellow-brown edges on the feathers; the breast is outlined in brown and the belly is white. A white wing bar is visible when the bird is in flight. More
Purple Sandiper - Calidris maritimaThe Purple Sandpiper is most often seen along the shoreline of the northeastern U.S. and eastern Canada in winter, when the tough chunky birds are found around the pounding surf on rocky shores. It survives the winter in these conditions that are further north on the Atlantic Coast than any other shorebird. Its breeding grounds are remote and seldom visited. It is very similar to the Rock Sandpiper, the species' equivalent on the West Coast. More
To the Purple Sandpiper, pushing nature’s limits is a way of life. Outside the breeding season, this dark, stocky shorebird lives along the north Atlantic coast, scrambling over jagged rocks and jetties to glean food while avoiding the violent surf. Also known as the rock snipe and winter bird, the hardy Purple Sandpiper winters farther north than any other shorebird. The bird is named for the subtle purple sheen on its black feathers, an effect rarely observed by birders. More
Purple Sandpiper Winter Adult - The winter adult Purple Sandpiper is duller, grayer, and lacks the brown cap and breast. Purple Sandpiper Winter Adult Purple Sandpiper - The breeding adult Purple Sandpiper has scaled gray-brown upperparts, dark brown crown, and heavily streaked white underparts with a dark breast patch. Purple Sandpiper . Bird database and its related content, illustrations and media is Copyright © 2002 - 2007 Whatbird.com All rights reserved. No part of this web site may be reproduced without written permission from Mitch Waite Group. More
A stout shorebird, the Purple Sandpiper breeds in the tundra and winters along rocky shores of the Atlantic Coast. Despite its name, it appears mostly slate-gray in winter, with only a faint purplish gloss, and shows no purple at all in breeding plumage. More
The Purple Sandpiper is one of the species to which the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (AEWA) applies. KingfishersAn apparent case of hybridization between this species and the Dunlin has been reported from England (Millington, 1994). More
Below: Purple Sandpipers in flight at the Indian River Inlet, Delaware (1/27/2007). Below: Ruddy Turnstones and Purple Sandpiper in flight at the Indian River Inlet, Delaware (1/27/2007). Below: Purple Sandpipers foraging near the Ocean City Inlet, Maryland (1/6/2008). More
Purple Sandpipers as Merlin Food Purple Sandpiper at Sheboygan in 2002 This past Sunday, Seth and Noel Cutright witnessed a Merlin chase and capture what they believed to be a Purple Sandpiper at North Point, Sheboygan. Seth reported the observation to the Wisconsin Birding Network, "It was a good sized bird for a Merlin to take." Yeah, that's what I thought, too. More
Purple Sandpiper Calidris maritima = * Home Expand Log in Menu item Register Menu item Log out Menu item Change login details Menu item Why register? Expand UK & Ireland Menu item Birding sites More
A front view of a Purple Sandpiper standing in the water off the eastern point of Amherst Island, taken in late fall, Ontario, Canada. Purple Sandpiper A back view of a Purple Sandpiper walking along the rocks on Amherst Island, near Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Purple Sandpiper A side view of a Purple Sandpiper changing into its non-breeding plumage, still showing some signs of breeding plumage, Amherst Island, near Kingston, Ontario, Canada. More
* Purple sandpiper (Calidris maritima). Purple sandpiper (Calidris maritima). * * * REFERENCED IN * RELATED TO Aspects of the topic "purple sandpiper" are discussed in the following places at Britannica Assorted References * description (in sandpiper (bird)) ...Nova Scotia. More
Purple Sandpiper in non-breeding plumage. This shot gives a good look at the Purple Sandpiper's bill shape and color. Also the leg color that distinguishes it quickly from the Dunlins, which are otherwise very close in size, bill shape, and plumage color (in the non-breeding phase). To take full advantage of Flickr, you should use a JavaScript-enabled browser and install the latest version of the Macromedia Flash Player. More
Purple Sandpiper Habitat Model go to: USFWS Gulf of Maine Watershed Habitat Analysis go to: Species Table Feedback: We welcome your suggestions on improving this model! Draft Date: June 2001 Species: Purple sandpiper, Calidris maritima Use of Study Area Resources: Migration and wintering; purple sandpiper breeding is circumpolar, subarctic and arctic. More
Purple Sandpiper Calidris maritima A declining winter visitor to rocky coasts around the UK, mainly in the north. Only a handful of birds now winter in Norfolk with none usually found at the sites where they were formerly regular. More
The Purple Sandpiper (Calidris maritima) breeds in extreme northern Canada and winters along the east coast of the United States and Canada. It is a normally a bird of rocky coastlines so when one shows up in Texas, which happens occasionally, they almost always show up on rocky jetties. The top two shots on the left show a Purple Sandpiper at Freeport, Brazoria Co., Texas, in February, 1990. These images were taken with a Canon T-90 and a 400mm lens on Kodachrome 200. More
The purple sandpiper is a medium-sized wading birds that is larger, stockier and darker than a dunlin. It is mainly dark grey above and whitish below. It has a downcurved beak and short bright orange legs. In flight it shows a thin white wing-stripe. A couple of pairs nest in Scotland, but this species is mainly a winter visitor to almost any rocky coast in the UK. More
A mile east, five purple sandpipers fed on the beach below St Trillo's Church.bird notes by Daily Post (Liverpool, England)However, warmer weather could be having a negative impact on some northerly species, including the purple sandpiper and Temminck's stint, which each recorded just one bird in 2006.Rare birds flocking here to bask in our warmth by The Daily Mail (London, England)Whether it is purple sandpipers, knot or eider ducks you want to see, bring your binoculars. More