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The Allen's Hummingbird is common only in the brushy woods, gardens, and meadows of coastal California from Santa Barbara north, and a minuscule portion of lower Oregon. The nominate race of Allen's Hummingbird Ss.
The Allen's hummingbird is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
The Allen's Hummingbird, Selasphorus sasin, is a species of hummingbird. The Allen's Hummingbird is a small bird, with mature adults reaching only 3 to 3½ inches (75 to 90 mm) in length. The male Allen's has a green back and forehead, with rust-colored rufous flanks, rump, and tail. The male's throat is also an iridescent orange-red. The female and immature Allen's Hummingbirds are similarly colored, but lack the iridescent throat patch, instead having a series of speckles on their throat. More
the Allen's Hummingbird breeds only along a narrow strip of coastal California and southern Oregon. Come watch nesting birds at Nestcams. More
The Allen's Hummingbird is common only in the brushy woods, gardens, and meadows of coastal California from Santa Barbara north, and a minuscule portion of lower Oregon. The nominate race of Allen's Hummingbird S.s. sasin is migratory, and winters along the Pacific coast of central Mexico. A second race S.s. sedentarius is a permanent resident on the Channel Islands off southern California. More
supports Allen's Hummingbirds on their wintering range and the Channel Islands IBA off the California coast supports resident Allen's. The Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) showed a 1.4% annual decline for this species from 1966 to 2000, though it is not statistically significant. More
Allen's Hummingbird Information This hummingbird was named after Charles Andrew Allen (1841-1930) who was a naturalist from Massachustts who moved to California. This hummingbird was originally named Selasphorus alleni to honor Charles Andrew Allen, but was later changed to Selasphorus sasin. The reason for this is that it had already been described and given this scientific name prior to Allen discovering it. It closely resembles the Rufous hummingbird, however, there are ways to tell them apart. More
The Allen's Hummingbird status has changed relatively little over the past few years. This species of bird is native to the United States and Mexico but it has also been found in Canada as well. Currently, there are more than half a million individual birds in its native range. Although this species of bird was rated as Lower Risk in 1988, currently the Allen's Hummingbird population is not believed to be in danger of significant decline and is rated as Least Concern. More
Allen's Hummingbird, Selasphorus sasin, is sometimes confused with Rufous Hummingbird, but the adult male of the latter is rusty on the back, while the Allen's is usually all green; some Rufous have a scattering of green in the crown and back. Female and juvenile Allen's and Rufous Hummingbirds look even more alike and are very difficult to differentiate in the field. A male Allen's Hummingbird is smaller than a female. FIELD MARKS: Length is about 7.5cm (3"). More
identify an Allen's Hummingbird away from its breeding grounds in California unless the bird is a male with a full gorget and a green back. (We have seen such a bird during early fall migration in Arizona.) * Female Calliope Hummingbirds have an apricot-colored wash on their underparts. They have a short, very straight bill and a short green tail with white corners. More
Although the first scientific description of Allen's hummingbird was made by a European who based it on a specimen from Mexico, it was Allen who first noticed and described it to the American scientists. As a result, this specie of hummingbird became know as Allen More
Allen's Hummingbirds breed in a small strip of land along the Pacific Coast, starting in southwest Oregon and continuing into southern California. This is one of the smallest breeding ranges of all hummingbird species. The Allen’s Hummingbird migrates to central Mexico during cooler months and has been spotted in the Channel Islands off the southern California coast. More
The Allen's Hummingbird, Selasphorus sasin, is a species of hummingbird, a family of small passerine birds. Description: The Allen's Hummingbird is a small bird, with mature adults reaching only 3 to 3 More
The Allen's hummingbird, also known as the Selasphorus sasin, has a long bill and a compact body. The male Allen's hummingbird has an iridescent green crown and a green back. The only way to tell it apart from the Rufous hummingbird is by the green center of its back. The male's breast is white, rump and below is rufous (brownish red),and gorget (throat) is copper-red. The female is often mistaken for the Rufous hummingbird. It has a green crown, like the male, and it's rufous on its sides. More
Allen's hummingbird is native to the Pacific coast, from southwestern Oregon to southern California. These 3-3/4 inch jewels sport bronze-green backs and flame-colored gorgets. They closely resemble their rusty-backed cousins, the Rufous hummingbird. While feeding and defending territories, they will give off the same almost mechanical sounding "chp, chp, chp" as the Rufous does, adding more confusion for the untrained person. ( The female are indistinguishable from female Rufous hummers. More
The courtship flight of the male Allen's Hummingbird is a frantic back and forth flight arc of about 25 feet similar to the motion of a swinging pendulum, followed by a high-speed dive from about 100 feet. The male is also highly aggressive and territorial. More
The Allen's Hummingbird constructs its nest out of plant fibers, down, and weed stems, coating the nest with lichens to give it structure. The nest is placed above ground on a tree branch or the stalk or stem of a plant. The female lays two white eggs, which she will incubate for 15 to 17 days. The young will leave the nest about three weeks after hatching. The mother will continue to feed the fledglings for several more weeks, then the young are left to fend for themselves. More
male Allen's hummingbird has an iridescent green crown and a green back. The green center of the back is the main distinction between it and the Rufous hummingbird. The male's rump and below is rufous (brownish red), breast is white, and gorget (throat) is copper-red. The female Allen's hummer is green above, rufous on the sides, white beneath, and small orange-red spots on the throat. Often, the female is mistaken for the Rufous hummingbird. More
Allen's Hummingbird: Allen's Hummingbird, Johnson City, Tennessee (Click on an image to download a larger version). ... This was the third state record for Allen's Hummingbird. ... http://www.utm.edu/departments/artsci/biology/tbrc/action.htm TBRC Recent Action: Selasphorus sasin, Allen's Hummingbird. Observation: A single bird, 1/17/97 in Loudon, Tennessee. ... Selasphorus sasin, Allen's Hummingbird. ... http://www.princeton.edu/~llarson/njb/001202allens.html Allen's Hummingbird, 2 Dec. 2000: NJBIRDS Archive. For information about this mailing list please visit the NJBIRDS main page. More
Allen's Hummingbird, Selasphorus sasin = This is probably a female Allen's hummingbird as it has a so much white on the breast, and the red gorget is not well developed.Range of the Allen's hummingbird The Allen's hummingbird is found on coastal California into coastal southern Oregon in the summer. Migration of the Allen's hummingbird The Allen's hummingbird spends only the summer along coastal California. More
Bent Life History for the Allen's Hummingbird - the common name and sub-species reflect the nomenclature in use at the time the description was written. ALLEN'S HUMMINGBIRD SELASPHORUS ALLENI Henshaw HABITS This is another very brilliant hummingbird, which is closely related to the rufous hummingbird, and much like it in appearance and behavior. More
Allen's hummingbird nesting in Montecito, January-February 2003 Bird Information Index More Info & links RETURN TO: Specialty Birds of the California Central Coast Central Coast Birding Trail | Monterey | San Luis Obispo | Santa Barbara | Ventura More
Allen's HummingbirdSelasphorus sasin Order APODIFORMES – Family TROCHILIDAE Issue No. 501 Authors: Mitchell, Donald E. * Articles * Multimedia * References Courtesy Preview This Introductory article that you are viewing is a courtesy preview of the full life history account of this species. The remaining articles (Distribution, Habitat, Behavior, etc. More
West Coast Allen's hummingbird a surprising sight in Ohio: Aerial View = By James F. McCarty,The Plain Dealer December 23, 2009, 8:27AM allens-hummingbird-mccarty.JPGView full sizeJudy Semroc, Special to The PDThe Allen's hummingbird that has been sipping sugar water at Mae Miller's house in Sugarcreek for more than a week looks similar to a more common rufous hummingbird. More