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Male and female both have iridescent green backs and crowns and a white breast. The male has a gorget that shines with a brilliant red iridescence. The female is much duller with rust-colored, mottled flanks and underside; her tail feathers are tipped with a band of white. In flight the male's wings produce a distinct trilling sound diagnostic for this species.
The Broad-tailed hummingbird is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
The Broad-tailed hummingbird, Selasphorus platycercus, is a medium-sized hummingbird, nearly four inches (10 cm) in length. Female at nest Male and female both have iridescent green backs and crowns and a white breast. The male has a gorget (throat patch) that shines with a brilliant red iridescence. The female is much duller with rust-colored, mottled flanks and underside; her tail feathers are tipped with a band of white. More
flower blossoms, the broad-tailed hummingbird will also feed on foliage and actively hunt insects in flight. This species is not considered endangered; it appears to be able to adapt quite well to human-modified habitat and frequents shade coffee plantations. Nests are small cup of plant fibers woven together and bound to a branch with collected spider webs. The female lays two plain white eggs, that she alone will incubate for 16 days. Young broad-tailed hummingbirds fledge about 23 days after hatching. More
Broad-tailed Hummingbird Range MapView dynamic map of eBird sightings Field MarksHelp - * Adult malePopOutZoom In Adult male * © 2004 Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Estes Park, Colorado Similar Species - * Female Broad-tailed Hummingbird has plumage like Allen's and Rufous hummingbirds, but has a longer, broader tail. More
Broad-tailed hummingbirds are elegant 4-inch long birds that are considerd the jewels of the Rocky Mountains because they are so frequently seen by residents and visitors alike. Campers will put out feeders and enjoy the local hummers. Every cabin that puts up a feeder is bound to be inundated by hordes of hungry hummers. Their wing whistles and musical chirps fill the air of mountain meadows carpeted with Penstemon and Larkspur. More
A female Broad-tailed Hummingbird arrived at our wildlife habitat in Waldport, Oregon during August of 2005. This is the first recorded Broad-tailed Hummingbird on the Oregon Coast. Broad-tailed Hummingbird (Female) Broad-tailed Hummingbird (Female) Showing Tail Feathers Because Broad-tailed Hummingbirds are not in our area, documentation of the hummingbird was crucial for positive verification. Using video and pictures are the best way to obtain solid documentation. More
season for the broad-tailed hummingbird at the lower altitudes. Moving up to gooseberries at higher elevations as the snow melts, the hummer instinctively feeds on the next target of opportunity, until it will be found on the rocky slopes at the 12,000 feet (3,658 m) level. Source: "Hummingbird," The Audubon Nature Encyclopedia, 1965, Vol. 5, p. 898. More
The Broad-tailed Hummingbird has a large range, estimated globally at 700,000 square kilometers. It is native to North America and Guatemala and prefers subtropical or tropical forests, shrublands, or grasslands as well as former forests. The population is estimated at 3,800,000 individuals and does not appear to be declining at a rate that would necessitate inclusion on the IUCN Red List. Because of this, the Broad-tailed Hummingbird has an evaluation status of Least Concern. More
Broad-Tailed Hummingbirds are one of the more active species when it comes to eating insects. They hunt insects whether they are in flight or sitting on foliage and in trees. When they are flying, their wings produce an unusual ‘trilling’ noise, unique to the breed. Due to their high metabolism, Broad-Tailed Hummingbirds must eat constantly, feasting on nectar and insects. More
The Broad-tailed Hummingbird, Selasphorus platycerus, which occurs in the western U.S. and Mexico, strongly resembles the Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Archilochus colubris, of the eastern U.S. and is sometimes INCORRECTLY referred to as a "ruby-throat." The broad, rounded tail that gives the Broad-tailed its name occurs in both males and females; in Ruby-throats, the female and young males have rounded tails but the adult male's tail is forked and has pointed feathers (compare at RTHU External Morphology). More
rufous in color, whereas the Broad-tailed Hummingbird's tail is dominated by green, black and white, with rufous coloration only the base of the outer tail feathers (Sibley 2000). The combination of the broad tail, overall larger size, and buff or buff-and-green flanks distinguish this from other hummingbird species common in the state. More
Broad-tailed Hummingbird is the major breeding hummingbird of higher elevations in the Intermountain West, and is an important pollinator for many montane flowering plants. The population appears to be slightly decreasing rangewide, and is susceptible to disturbance or changes in breeding habitat, including pinyon-juniper woodlands, mixed conifer forests and montane riparian areas. More
Bent Life History for the Broad-tailed Hummingbird the common name and sub-species reflect the nomenclature in use at the time the description was written. BROAD-TAILED HUMMINGBIRD SELASPHORUS PLATYCERCUS PLATYCERCUS (Swainson) HABITS The broad-tailed hummingbird is the hummingbird of the Rocky Mountain region, ranging from southern Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming to the Valley of Mexico, and it is essentially a mountain bird. More
The broad-tailed hummingbird belongs to the family, Trochilidae, in the Avian Order Apodiformes. Apodiformes is the order of swifts and hummingbirds. Trochilidae is the hummingbird family. The broad-tailed hummingbird’s scientific name is Selasphorus platycerus. Its generic name, selasphorus, means “light bearing”, referring to the irredescent plumage of this species. The specific name, platycerus, means “broad tail. Broad-tailed hummingbirds are sexually dichromatic. Males have a bright red throat, green sides and a black back with a gray underside. More
Accounts of the Broad-tailed Hummingbird mention that it nests in the same tree or bush year after year, a phenomenon known as philopatry - faithfulness to the previous home area. It will return to the same branch and even build a new nest atop an old one. Physical Description Average weight: male 3.16 g, female 3.6 g. Females are larger than males. Plumage Adult male: Metallic green back and crown, white breast, rose gorget, rounded tail. More
inhabiting high open mountain meadows, the Broad-tailed Hummingbird is often heard without being seen, as its wings make an odd metallic trilling when in flight. Highly territorial, they will fiercely defend select patches of wildflowers, with the most common opponent being each other. Habitat: Primarily found in mountain clearings and forests, up to elevations of 10,000 feet or more. Migrants can be found in a variety of semi-open habitats, both in the mountains and in the lowlands. More
The Broad-tailed Hummingbird is a relatively long hummingbird with a long tail, greenish upperparts, and some rufous at the base of the outer tail feathers. Males have a red gorget, a white line from the base of the bill to the eye, and greenish-buffy flanks. broad-tailed hummingbird Female - Females have spotted cheeks, an eye ring, and buffy flanks. More
Broad-tailed Hummingbirds in Georgia. Description: Average Weight: Male 3.16g, Female 3.6g Male: Metallic green back and crown, white breast, iridescent reddish gorget, rounded tail. Female: Green back and crown, white throat and breast, rusty sides, green central tail feathers, outer tail feathers are rufous at the bases, green and black in the middle, and white at the tips. More
The nests of Broad-Tailed hummingbirds are small cups made of plant fibers that are bound together by branches. Female Broad-Tailed hummingbirds lay two eggs and incubates them for 14-16 days. The fledgling Broad-Tailed hummingbirds leave the nest roughly 23 days after hatching. Birdfeeders.com is your leading online source for hummingbird feeders, hummingbird nectar, and bird baths. More