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The Pink-headed Duck is a large diving duck that was once found in parts of the Gangetic plains of India, Bangladesh and in the riverine swamps of Myanmar but feared extinct since the 1950s. Numerous searches have failed to provide any proof of continued existence. It has been suggested that it may exist in the inaccessible swamp regions of northern Myanmar and some sight reports from that region have led to its status being declared as critically endangered rather than extinct. The genus placement has been disputed and while some have suggested that it is close to the pochards, particularly Netta rufina, others have placed it in a separate genus of its own. It is somewhat unique in the pink colouration of the head combined with a dark body. A small wing patch is prominent, a feature also found in the common Indian Spot-billed Duck. The eggs have also been held as particularly peculiar in being nearly spherical.
The Pink-headed duck is classified as Critically Endangered (CR), facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild.
The Pink-headed Duck (Rhodonessa caryophyllacea) is (or was) a large diving duck that was once found in parts of the Gangetic plains of India, Bangladesh and in the riverine swamps of Myanmar but feared extinct since the 1950s. Numerous searches have failed to provide any proof of continued existence. It has been suggested that it may exist in the inaccessible swamp regions of northern Myanmar and some sight reports from that region have led to its status being declared as "critically endangered" rather than extinct. More
Pink-headed DuckThe Pink-headed Duck (Netta caryophyllacea) is (or was) a large diving duck. It was formerly classified as Rhodonessa caryophyllacea, but has recently been shown by phylogenetic analysis to be closely related to the Red-crested Pochard, Netta rufina (Livezey, 1998), and has therefore now been transferred to the same genus. However, this has been questioned due to numerous peculiarities that set the Pink-headed Duck apart from other ducks (Collar et al., 2001). More
pink-headed duck amidst a flock of other waterbirds. However, Nugent’s and Barua’s claimed sighting has not been enough to remove this duck from the list of extinct birds. Reports of pink-headed ducks were for decades received from the largely unexplored Mali Hka and Chindwin Myit drainages in Northern Myanmar, and apparently still continue. More
Rhodonessa caryophyllacea, the Himalayan pink-headed duck last seen in 1935. Having finally made his way through the Calcutta bureaucracy to obtain a visa to northwestern India, Nugent was obliged to survive encounters with pirates, Gurkha separatists, Tantrist necrophiliacs, a curse on his head, suspect food, a raft trip down the malarial Brahmaputra River, and an endless-loop cassette of Jethro Tull's greatest hits. More
The Pink-headed Duck was a large diving duck that id now feared to be extinct. Once thriving throughout India, the swamps of Myanmar and Bangladesh the Pink-headed Duck has not been seen since the 1950’s even though numerous expeditions have taken place to locate the species. Despite the lack of sightings the Pink-headed Duck is hanging on top the status of critically endangered due to unconfirmed sightings and the hope some of the species may reside in currently inaccessible regions. More
Pink-footed Goose Pink-headed Duck Pink-headed Fruit Dove Pinyon Jay Piping Plover Plain Mountain Finch Plover Plum-headed Parakeet Plumbeous Vireo Plumbeous Water-redstart Plumed Whistling Duck Polynesian Triller Pomarine Skua Prairie Warbler Prothonotary Warbler Ptarmigan Puaiohi Puerto Rican Nightjar Purple Finch Purple Honeycreeper Purple Martin Purple Sunbird Purple Swamphen Purple-gaped Honeyeater Purple-rumped Sunbird Pygmy Nuthatch Pyrrhuloxia Radjah Shelduck Razorbill Red Goshawk Red Kite Red Knot Red Lory Red Munia Red Pharalope Red Shoveler Red Siskin Red Turtle Dove Red Wattlebird Red-backed Fairy-wren Red-backed More
Pink-headed ducks were apparently omnivorous, feeding on waterweed and invertebrates. They preferred the open waters of lagoons and ponds surrounded by dense vegetation. There they would gather in sixes and eights, and occasionally in flocks of up to forty. They bred in May, constructing their nests in dense grass, often far from the water's edge. More
Pink-headed Duck (Rhodonessa caryophyllacea) is now believed to be extinct. It was last reported in 1935 from Bihar, India. Size: 60 cm. Identification: Large, long-bodied and long-necked duck, with dark brown body and foreneck. Deep pink head and hind neck. Bill pink, legs and feet reddish black. Females and juveniles similar but duller. Possibility of confusion with Red-crested Pochard, as darker crown and nape of female and whitish-pink head could suggest head pattern of female of that species. More
Pink-headed duck and Red-crested pochard: who would win in a fight? - Category: cryptozoology • ornithology Posted on: September 2, 2009 7:49 AM, by Darren Naish So I recently recycled the Madagascar pochard article from Tet Zoo ver 1, first published in 2006. As you might have realised if you read the 2006 article (and if your memory is exceptionally good), I made one major change for the 2009 re-posting: I chopped out the bit about the Pink-headed duck. More
Anecdotal reports of possible living Pink-headed Duck in the '98 Inn' area between Bhamo and Myitkyina, Kachin State, north Myanmar. Jan'-Feb' 2009. fig'1. One of the many laminated flashcards (taken of the preserved specimen of Pink-headed Duck in the Paris museum of Natural History), brought to Myanmar and handed out to locals. The picture elicited a positive response. Introduction. More
Fifty-two years after the pink-headed duck was last seen in the wild, Nugent set off for India in search of this rarest of birds. His quest sends him to Calcutta ... Show synopsis Fifty-two years after the pink-headed duck was last seen in the wild, Nugent set off for India in search of this rarest of birds. More
Historically the Pink-headed Duck’s known habitat included northern Myanmar, north-east India, and central Nepal. Freshwater ponds, marshes, swamps, and wetlands surrounded by bushes, tall grasses, and subtropical forests provided aquatic plants and mollusks to eat and nesting areas. Swamps of the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers in northern India have been drained, cultivated, and heavily populated, leading to the decline of the species in that area. More
search of the Pink-headed Duck in Myanmar Of the world’s many bird species, the Pink-headed Duck has long been a mystery. It has not been seen since 1935, in northeast India (Bangladesh). It is so strangely coloured that, even after reading this book, some people question whether such a bird can really exist. (The author is happy to speak to journalists and interested researchers about his work and experience in Myanmar. For his contact details, please email info@researchsea.com. More
"If the Pink-headed Duck was resident in Kachin, we surely would have found it by now. Perhaps it is indeed extinct or is only a visitor to the region." The team used elephants and boats to search the floodplain grasslands and ox-bow lakes along the Nat Kaung River, north of Kamaing and south of Shadusup. More
The Pink-headed Duck once lived in the inaccessible swamps of the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers in northern India. It has always been considered to be rare, but this may have been due to the inaccessibility of its haunts. As the swamps became cultivated, this handsome duck was initially seen more frequently. However, reclamation of the swamps inevitably led to the decline of the species in the beginning of the 20th century. More
Fifty-two years after the pink-headed duck was last seen in the wild, Rory Nugent set off for India in search of this rarest of birds. In C. Cover: Hardcover Grade: B ISBN: 0395505526. Bookseller Inventory # 38428 Bookseller & Payment Information | More Books from this Seller | Ask Bookseller a Question Add Book to Shopping BasketPrice: US$ 2.95 Convert Currency Shipping: US$ 3.89 Within U.S.A. Destination, Rates & Speeds 14. More
Indonesia and the pink-headed duck, a native of India and Burma. ... (BBC News, UK) Logging has driven exotic birds to brink of extinction Nov 16, 2003 From the pink-headed duck of Burma to the Bali starlings, of which there are only 50 adults left, 41 of Asia's bird species "already teeter on the brink of ... More
Results for: pink-headed duckTranslations 1 - 30 of 368 English English Finnish Finnish pink-headed duck ruusupääsorsa, Rhodonessa caryophyllacea pink-eared duck liuskanokkasorsa, Malacorhynchus membranaceus pink-headed warbler ruusukerttuli, Ergaticus versicolor pink-headed fruit dove purppurahuppukyyhky, Ptilinopus porphyreus pink-headed imperial pigeon lohikeisarikyyhky, Ducula rosacea white-headed duck valkopääsorsa, Oxyura leucocephala black-headed duck More