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The Brant Goose is a small goose, about 60 cm long and with a short, stubby bill. The under-tail is pure white, and the tail black and very short .
The Brent Goose is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
Brent Goose in northwestern Yakutia, East Siberia. Brit. Birds 91: 565-572. Further reading - Identification * Ebels, E. B. (1997) Identification of brent geese: a new feature. More
The Irish Brent Goose Research Group (IBGRG) is dedicated to the conservation of Light-bellied Brent Geese in Ireland, through a programme of research and monitoring, education and outreach activities. The group is comprised of interested individuals and representatives of key stakeholder groups which have the conservation of the population as a shared interest. More
* 85% - percentage of the Brent Goose world population that gathers in Strangford Lough in October * 2.7km - the height of the Greenland ice cap which the geese have to fly over 1. Light-bellied Brent Goose by Richard Taylor-Jones Latest Reports - Selected date 1. Missing on the Ice: Top GooseThu, 12 Jun 2008 2. More
The RSPBRSPB Titchwell reserve, saltmarsh, mudflats and creeksDark-bellied brent gooseDark-bellied brent geese grazing at the RSPB Exe Estuary nature reserve * A * B * C * D * E * F * G * H * I * J * K More
Brent Goose - Definition = Brent Goose Black Brant Pacific Brant Goose (or Black Brant) Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Aves Order: Anseriformes Family: Anatidae Genus: Branta Species: More
Brent Goose records in the Western Isles Brent Geese are uncommon passage vistors (recorded in low numbers each year, but sometimes a few more occur) and rare winter visitors (less than 30 records). The birds we see are usually are passage migrants, Branta bernicla hrota, these are the 'pale-bellied' birds that breed in the Eastern Canadian Arctic and winter in Ireland. More
brent goosebrent goose - small dark geese that breed in the north and migrate southwardbrant, brant goose, brentgoose - web-footed long-necked typically gregarious migratory aquatic birds usually larger and less aquatic than ducksBranta, genus Branta - wild geeseBranta bernicla, common brant goose - the best known variety of brant goose How to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, add the site to iGoogle, or visit webmaster's page for free fun content. More
Dark-bellied Brent Goose hybrids appear on the Black Brant page. More
Brent Goose | Pectoral Sandpiper | Peregrine Falcon | Pheasant | Pied Flycatcher | Pink-footed Goose | Pintail | Ptarmigan | Puffin | Raven | Razorbill | Red Kite | Red-breasted Merganser | Red-footed Falcon | Red-throated Diver | Redshank | Redwing Thrush | Reed Bunting | Ringed Plover | River Warbler | Robin | Rock Pipit | Ruddy Duck | Ruff | Sandwich Tern | Shag | Shelduck | Shore Lark | Shoveler | Siskin | Skylark | Smew | Song Thrush | Sparrowhawk | Spoonbill | Spotted More
* How many days does a brent gooses migration take? * Is brent a? * Does brent love you? * What is the name of the goose in mother goose? » More Mentioned in * brant * Black Brant * Brant * Dengie SPA * Holkham National Nature Reserve More
important for the Brent Goose which is one of the identified priority species for the Portsmouth Harbour Special Protection Area and Ramsar site, the area supports around 10% to 13% of the world population and around 30% of the UK population. Brent Geese are a species of international importance protected under European legislation and are considered vulnerable due to the relatively small world population. Brent Geese traditionally winter on coastal mud flats, they arrive in the UK from mid September onwards. More
Brent Goose determination Similar species Anatidae American Wigeon | Baikal Teal | Bar-Headed Goose | Barnacle Goose | Barrows Goldeneye | Bean Goose | Black Swan | Blue-Winged Teal | Brent Goose | Bufflehead | Cackling Goose | Canada Goose | Canvasback | Common Scoter | Egyptian Goose | Eider | Falcated Duck | More
The brent goose is somewhat smaller than the barnacle goose. The sexes are identical. Adult birds are 55-60 cm long and weigh 1.3-1.6 kg. They have a black head, neck and breast, with white patches on the sides of the neck. The upper-parts of the body and the wings are dark grey-brown; the under-parts are light grey-brown in B. b. hrota (but dark brown in the dark-bellied subspecies B. b. bernicla). The bill and legs are black. More
The Brent Goose is smaller and much darker overall than the other 'black geese' and has a shorter, thicker neck, marked in the adults by a little white smudgy half collar. From a distance they can look all dark apart from the gleaming white under-tail area. The pale-bellied form looks much cleaner and more attractive. Habitat Winters on estuaries, grass and cereal fields. More
The Brent Goose (Branta bernicla) is a goose of the genus Branta, known in North America as Brant. The spelling "Brant" is the original one, with "Brent" being a later folk-etymological idea that it was derived from a classical Greek waterbird name brenthos. It is in fact onomatopoeic, derived from the guttural call note of the species. This small goose measures about 60 cm long and sports a short, stubby bill. More
Mike said: “What I like about the old Brent goose is its loyalty to Jersey. The first record of them in a Jersey history book was way back in 1694.” “We have so many, around a thousand each year. Guernsey has nothing like those numbers simply because the quantity of food is not there. “Birds will only go from A to B or what have you, because of the food source. If the food source is not there they won’t come. More
The Black Brant or Pacific Brent Goose, Branta bernicla nigricans, is a sub-species of the Brent Goose that breeds in Alaska and winters in Baja California. There are an estimated 115,000 black brant in the world and about 14,000 are taken each year by hunters. Fox predation of eggs is thought to be significant and, in 2006, the U.S. began a 5-year fox removal program. The population has been as high as 200,000; in 1981, and as low as 100,000; in 1987. More
is a sub-species of the Brent Goose that breeds in Alaska and winters in Baja California.Brant East and West: tidewater hunting traditions remain strong on ... by Kramer, Gary / Wildfowlis a sub-species of the Brent Goose that breeds in Alaska and winters in Baja California.NASA launches rocket, dozens report strange lights by Staff / AP NewsFew will make it to North Wales, but a pale-bellied brent goose from Greenland was an early arrival at Foryd Bay. More
The Brent Goose, Branta bernicla, is a rather small Goose between 55-60cm long (slightly bigger than a mallard), with a short neck and a weight of between 1.2-1.5 kg. Three subspecies of Brent Goose occur in Europe, of which two forms occur regularly in the UK. One of these subspecies, and our own bird, is the dark-bellied form (Branta bernicla bernicla). Neither form of the Brent Goose breeds here, rather they utilise the mild winter climate in the UK and Ireland to overwinter. More
• Saturday, December 26, 2009 - Pale-bellied Brent Goose in Portsmouth Harbour This afternoon I visited Portchester Castle with the family to burn off a few calories. The highlight of the visit was two Pale-bellied Brent Geese amongst Dark-bellied Brent Geese on the mud flats adjacent to Vospers. More
The Brent Goose Branta bernicla is a goose of the genus Branta, known in the United States and Canada as the Brant. All the species of the genus are distinguished by their general dark sooty colour, relieved in some by way by white of greater or less purity, and by way of distinction from the members of the genus Anser, which are known as grey geese. More