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Their breeding habitat is grassland adjacent to shallow marshes and steppe lakes.
The Garganey is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
Garganey, Oregon On 24 April, Sheila Ralston reported a male Garganey Anas querquedula from Oregon's Malheur NWR. This species is now an ABA Code 4 bird, formerly listed as ABA Code 3. Over the past few years this species has declined drastically in numbers. The decrease in Garganey is thought to be correlated to the decline from eastern Asia. More
Code-4 male Garganey (Anas querquedula) in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Garganey, a Palearctic species breeding between 42N and 65 N, was recently changed from a Code-3 to a Code-4 species (from rare to casual) based on a reduction in the number of sighting reports from Alaska and California. From the 1970s, the east Asian Garganey population declined from an estimated 90,000 birds to only 22,000 by 2003 (ABA Checklist, Seventh Edition, Pranty et al. More
garganey pronunciation /ˈgɑr gə ni/ Show Spelled Show IPA –noun,plural-neys.a small Old World duck, Anas querquedula. Use garganey in a SentenceSee images of garganeySearch garganey on the Web - Origin: 1660–70; according to K. von Gesner, who introduced the term, a dial. form of It garganello name for various teallike ducks; ult. < LL gargala throat; cf. gargle Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2010. More
The Garganey, Anas querquedula is a small dabbling duck. It breeds in much of Europe and western Asia, but is strictly migratory, with the entire population moving to southern Africa and Australasia in winter, where large flocks can occur. This species was first described by Linnaeus in his Systema naturae in 1758 under its current scientific name. Like other small ducks such as the Common Teal, this species rises easily from the water with a fast twisting wader-like flight. More
Description: Also known as the summer teal, the garganey is sixteen inches long and found in Southern Europe and India. Source: S. G. Goodrich Animal Kingdom Illustrated Vol 2 (New York: Derby & Jackson, 1859)2:317 Keywords: southern, europe, india, summer, teal, garganey, bird, avian, natatores Copyright: 2009, Florida Center for Instructional Technology. See license. More
Garganey: Feeds on aquatic plants, insects, crustaceans, and mollusks; forages by dabbling in shallow water. Vocalization Garganey: Utters a dry, rattling, burping display sound. Similar Species Garganey: Blue-winged teal lacks thick, white eyebrow, distinct white speculum borders, and has darker underparts. . More
Garganey: Native of Eurasia; breeds locally from Britain and France to central Europe, north to southern Sweden and more continuously from eastern Europe into Russia. Regular migrant in west and central Aleutians and other Alaskan islands. Preferred habitats include shallow freshwater lakes and marshes with abundant marginal vegetation. Voice Text No data available. More
Product Details The Garganey in the Former USSR: A Compilation of the Life-history Information (Wetlands International Global Series) by S. Fokin and V. Kuzyakin (Paperback - Jan. 2000)3 new from $36.48 Books: See all 12 items 2. Product Details Plate 16 Seebohm Bird Eggs Teal Garganey Sheldrake by old-printBuy new: $56.75 $31.75 In StockHome & Garden: See all 13 items 3. Product Details Garganey by Garganey (MP3 Download)Download MP3 Song: $0. More
Garganey are rare breeding birds in the British Isles, with most breeding in quiet marshes in Norfolk and Suffolk. The Garganey is one of the species to which the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (AEWA) applies. The status of the Garganey is Least Concern. More
A male Garganey at Mallard Club Marsh Wildlife Area, Lucas Co. Ohio in May 2002; copyright 2002 Athur Osborn - Selected Ohio-birds Archive of correspondence surrounding this record From: LOROFS@aol.com Date: Mon, 20 May 2002 19:05:38 EDT Subject: Mallard Club To: ohio-birds@envirolink.org Dear OhioBirds, Larry Peavler and Bill Murphy (two very respected birders) reported a male Garganey at Mallard Club on Sunday evening. More
Female Garganey DuckThe Garganey (Anas querquedula) is a small dabbling duck. It breeds in much of Europe and western Asia, but is strictly migratory, with the entire population moving to Africa in winter, where large flocks can occur. Like other small ducks such as teals, this species rises easily from the water with a fast twisting wader-like flight. Garganey are rare breeding birds in the British Isles, with most breeding in quiet marshes in Norfolk and Suffolk. More
Garganey determination Similar species Anatidae American Wigeon | Baikal Teal | Bar-Headed Goose | Barnacle Goose | Barrows Goldeneye | Bean Goose | Black Swan | Blue-Winged Teal | Brent Goose | Bufflehead | Cackling Goose | Canada Goose | Canvasback | Common Scoter | Egyptian Goose | Eider | Falcated Duck | More
The male Garganey is most striking, with a huge, extended white stripe over each eye. Females are harder to identify, but compared with the similarly small Teal they have a more obvious pale eye stripe, pale throat and pale spot at the base of the bill. This gives the whole head a more contrasting, 'stripey' look. In flight, the Garganey is agile like a Teal but the males have obvious pale blue forewing patches. More
The Garganey is a medium-sized (40 cm) duck, the male having a chocolate brown head and neck with a wide white “eyebrow”. The breast and back are lighter brown with black mottling, the sides are gray with fine black lines and the belly is white. The conspicuous black and white scapulars of the male are long and curved. The speculum is green with white borders, the bill is black and the legs are dark gray. More
The Garganey, an Old World dabbling duck, is closely related to the Northern Shoveler and the Blue-winged and Cinnamon Teals. Like these, it is found primarily in freshwater wetlands and shallow ponds, where it feeds by filtering small particles from water passed through its bill rather than by tipping up. The male in breeding plumage is unmistakable, with gray flanks and a bold, white eyebrow crossing to the back of the brown head and curving down toward the neck. More
Aspects of the topic garganey are discussed in the following places at Britannica. Assorted References * fauna of Lake Chad (in Lake Chad (lake, Africa): Animal life) ...secretary birds, Nubian bustards, and ground hornbills—and the water and shore birds for which the region is famous—such as the garganeys, shovelers, fulvous tree ducks, Egyptian geese, pink-backed pelicans, marabou storks, ... More
Diet : Garganey feeds on aquatic plants, seeds and invertebrates. Reproduction : Garganey Teal attain sexual maturity at 1-2 years of age. It lays 7- 8 eggs. Incubation period is of 25- 26 days and fledging duration is of 6 weeks. Males help the females in guarding the chicks. They make the nest on the ground. The young ones fledge at seven weeks of age. Conservation status : Habitat loss, haunting and food poising has seriously declined the population of Garganey Teal. More
Based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Garganey Software is owned by Mark T. White. Mark has worked in the software and image processing business since 1984. Prior to that he was an Astronomer working at the Royal Greenwich Observatory in the UK. For more information please send Mark a message at contact@mtwhite.com. Garganey Clients, Past and Present MerlinOne Incorporated, Quincy, MA, USA - Currently Garganey Software is contracted full time working on various projects for MerlinOne. Coatsworth Communications Inc. More
Physical appearance : Garganey Teal is 35 cm long and weigh around 316- 502 g. It has a white stripe above the eye that run down to the neck. It's underparts are gray in colour. Garganey Teal have a head with the blackish brown top portion and brownish red on the rest of the head. It has a black chin. The breast and back are brown in colour. The bill is dark gray and the legs are blue- gray. It is a small dabbling duck. More
The RSPBNene WashesPair of garganeysDitching in progress on RSPB Ouse Washes nature reserve * A * B * C * D * E * F * G * H * I * J * K More
garganeygarganey - small Eurasian teal Anas querquedulateal - any of various small short-necked dabbling river ducks of Europe and America How to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, add the site to iGoogle, or visit webmaster's page for free fun content. More
* Diet: Garganey is a dabbling duck so often feeds swimming with head under water, or by skimming surface. Eats leaves, shoots, aquatic vegetation * Habitat: Shallow wetlands, rushy marshland, flooded meadows, ditches, shallow lakes, reedbeds * Secretive duck (especially when breeding). Smaller than mallard, bit bigger than teal. More
The Garganey is from the order Anseriformes. Anseriformes are birds, with over 150 species belonging to this order. The majority of these are waterfowl such as ducks, geese, screamers and swans. Anseriformes are further divided into three families, the anhimidae (screamers), the anseranatidae (magpie goose) and the anatidae which is generalised and relates to waterfowls. The Garganey was first reported by Linnaeus, 1758 . In general, anseriformes can range in size from 1kg up to 22kgs. More
garganey definition Hear it! = garganey definition gar·ga·ney (gär′gə nē) noun a small freshwater European duck (Anas querquedula) resembling the American blue-winged teal Origin: prob. < It dial. garganello < echoic base *garg-: see gargle gar·ga·ney (gärˈgə-nē) noun pl. More
vues paulcking — 3 juin 2009 — A pair of Garganey are seen in the Skipton area, North Yorkshire during April, 2009. paulcking — 3 juin 2009 — A pair of Garganey are seen in the Skipton area, North Yorkshire during April, 2009. More