Genus Crocodylus

American crocodile - Like all crocodilians, the American crocodile is a quadruped, with four short, splayed legs; a long, powerful tail; a scaly hide with rows of ossified scutes running down its back and tail.

Orinoco crocodile - It is restricted to the Orinoco river drainage basin and the Meta River drainage basin in Colombia and Venezuela.


Johnson's crocodile - Although they will bite if disturbed or feel threatened, freshwater crocodiles are not known as man-eaters and their prey is generally of a much smaller size.


Philippine freshwater crocodile - The Philippine crocodile is a relatively small freshwater crocodilian endemic to the Philippines.

Morelet's crocodile - The Morelet crocodile was discovered in Mexico in 1850

Nile crocodile - In antiquity, Nile crocodiles occurred in the Nile delta and the Zarqa River, and they are recorded by Herodotus to have inhabited Lake Moeris.


New Guinea crocodile - Crocodylus novaeguineae grows to a length of up to 3.

Muggar - Mugger crocodiles have 19 upper teeth on each side; a snout that is 1 1/3 to 1 1/2 as long as broad at the base; a rough head but without any ridges; mandibular symphysis extending to the level of the fourth or fifth tooth; pre-maxillo-maxillary suture, on the palate, transverse, nearly straight, or curved forwards; and nasal bones separating the pnemaxillaries above.

Estuarine crocodile - The saltwater crocodile has a longer muzzle than the mugger crocodile, and is twice the length of its breadth at the base.

Cuban crocodile - This species has numerous interesting characteristics that set it apart from other crocodilians, such as its brighter adult colors, rougher, more 'pebbled' scales, and long, strong legs.

Siamese crocodile - In the wild they prefer slow moving waters like swamps, rivers, and some lakes.

Order : Crocodylia
Family : Crocodylidae
Genus : Crocodylus