African pygmy squirrel
Order : Rodentia
Suborder : Sciurognathi
Family : Sciuridae
Subfamily : Sciurinae
Species : Myosciurus pumilio
The African pygmy squirrel is listed as Data Deficient (DD), inadequate information to make a direct, or indirect, assessment of its risk of extinction, on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
Namings for the African pygmy squirrel
A young / baby of a African pygmy squirrel is called a 'pup, kit or kitten'. The females are called 'doe' and males 'buck'. A African pygmy squirrel group is called a 'dray or scurry'.
Facts about the African pygmy squirrel
African Pygmy Squirrel or Myosciurus pumilio is listed on the IUCN Red list (1996) as Vulnerable due to A2c.
Myosciurus pumilio is no bigger than a man's thumb, making this species the smallest squirrel in the world.
The African Pygmy (Myosciurus, pumilio) is the smallest squirrel in the world. (Full text)
User TipsFrom Steph Bairey on 5/14/2001The African Pygmy Squirrel is the smallest squirrel in the world.
The African Pygmy Squirrel is the smallest squirrel in the world.
The smallest squirrel in the world, the African pygmy squirrel is mouse-like with greyish fur, slightly reddish on the back, and a slightly fluffy tail.
African pygmy squirrels are famous for stuffing seeds in their cheeks. (Full text)
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