The Radiated tortoise is classified as Critically Endangered (CR), facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild.
The radiated tortoise (Astrochelys radiata) is a species in the genus of the Astrochelys tortoises. It is fairly large and considered by many to be one of the most beautiful tortoises in the world. More
up to 35 pounds (16kg), the radiated tortoise is considered to be one of the world's most beautiful tortoises. This tortoise has the basic "tortoise" body shape, which consists of the high-domed carapace, a blunt head, and elephantine feet. More
* When radiated tortoises feed on prickly pears, an invasive plant that grows rampant in Madagascar, the dark red fruit leaves a stain on their mouth that looks like lipstick. More
Radiated tortoise, seven species of tortoise have similar markings: the Geometric tortoise , the Serrated Star tortoise , the Tent tortoise , the Star tortoise , the Burmese Star tortoise , the Malagasy Spider tortoise , and the Radiated tortoise More
The radiated tortoise has a high domed shell with flat top pyramids on his shell. The purpose of these is believed to help protect the tortoise and maybe to help him get back on his ventral side if he accidently tipped on his dorsal side. More
A Review of the Captive Breeding Program for the Radiated Tortoise at the New York Zoological Society's Wildlife Survival Center = by John L. More
Radiated Tortoises - Geochelone (Astrochelys) radiata - Chris Tabaka DVM and Darrell Senneke Copyright © 2003, 2004, 2005 World Chelonian Trust. More
The carapace of the radiated tortoise is brilliantly marked with yellow lines radiating from the center of each dark plate of the shell, hence its name. More
Female radiated tortoises lay up to 12 eggs in a flask-shaped nest that they dig with their hind feet. Here at the Zoo - The Herpetarium is home to our radiated tortoises. More
General:The radiated tortoise has a characteristic "tortoise" shape, with a high-domed carapace (top part of the shell), blunt head and columnar legs that resemble those of an elephant. More
Description: Radiated Tortoises are the largest of the ‘star’ tortoises, so called because of the star pattern on their back. The shell, or ‘carapace’, is black with yellow or orange stars. Males have longer tails than females. More
disappearing, the radiated tortoise has vanished from many areas. Continued harvesting may lead to its extinction. More
The radiated tortoise of Madagascar is one of the most attractive of all the tortoises. The high-domed, dark carapace is marked by brilliant yellow lines that radiate from the centre of each plate and create this tortoise's distinctive pattern (2). More
Radiated tortoises may reach a size of 15 inches (38 cm) and 29 pounds (13 kg). They eat leaves, fruit, and other vegetation. In the wild, the female lays a small clutch of eggs once a year. More
Madagascar radiated tortoises are an endangered species found living only in the extreme south of the Island of Madagascar. More
The Radiated Tortoise has a high-domed carapace, which is brilliantly marked. Its name comes from the striking yellow lines that radiate from the center of each dark plate on the shell. More
radiated tortoises grow to almost 16" in straight length, making them the largest of the "starred" tortoises. The carapace has a smooth appearance rather than a lumpy, pyramidal shape because the center of each scute is not raised up. More
* Radiated Tortoise has the following characteristics: 1. Radiated and hig-domed carapace - lines radiating from the center of the dark shell plate 2. More
biology of captive radiated tortoises but only a few reports on field research of radiated tortoises. The project was designed to examine these parameters in the field over a two-year period; specifically during the tortoises' active season (rainy season - November to April). More
The Radiated Tortoise (Geochelone radiata) inhabits the drylands of the extreme south, where the strange Didierea plants and other desert vegetation grow in open shrubland. Many people consider this tortoise to be the most beautiful in the world. More
carapace of the radiated tortoise is brilliantly marked with yellow lines radiating from the center of each dark plate of the shell, hence its name. This "star" pattern is more finely detailed and intricate than the normal pattern of other star-patterned tortoise species. More
Radiated Tortoises are found in the dry spiny forests of southern and southwestern Madagascar, from the area of Amboasary in the south across the Karimbola and Mahafaly plateaus north of Tuléar (where the habitat is highly fragmented and tortoises may be close to extinction) More
Geochelone radiata in Italian - Italiano
radiated tortoise in English - English
Strahlenschildkröte in German - Deutsch
Stralenschildpad in Dutch - Nederlands
Strålsköldpadda in Swedish - Svenska
Sugarasteknős in Hungarian - Magyar
Tortue étoilée de Madagascar in French - français
Tortue radiée de madagascar in French - français
Tortue rayonnée in French - français
Tortuga estrellada de madagascar in Spanish - español
Tortuga rayada in Spanish - español
Żółw promienisty in Polish - polski
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