Yellow-spotted river turtle

The Yellow-spotted river turtle is classified as Vulnerable (VU), considered to be facing a high risk of extinction in the wild.

Yellow-spotted River Turtle (Podocnemis unifilis) Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Subphylum: Vertebrata Superclass: Tetrapoda More

The Yellow-spotted River Turtle (also known at the Yellow-spotted Amazon River Turtle) is one of the largest South American river turtles, It can grow up to 45 cm long and weigh up to 8 kg. More

Yellow-spotted river turtle, Yellow-spotted Amazon River turtle, Podocnémide à taches jaunes, Terekay-Schienenschildkröte, Terecayschildpad - Use the links below to jump to previous and next taxa in a text browser: Podocnemis sextuberculata - Six-tubercled river turtle More

Yellow-spotted River Turtle (Podocnemis unifilis) = Submitted by anita on Sun, 09/16/2007 - 15:23. Two small yellow spotted river turtles from Brazil. They were part of an illegal shipment that was intercepted in Houston. More

The commonest species is the yellow-spotted river turtle Podocnemis unifilis (see photo), which has yellow-orange spotting on the head and a single barbel, or feeler, on the lower jaw. The spots are brighter and larger on juveniles. More

yellow-spotted river turtle: one of the largest South American river turtles; characterized by yellow spots on its head Last updated 3-12-08 More

Sideneck Turtle, Yellow-Spotted River Turtle, Amazon River Turtle, or Tracaja Turtle. They are found in the Amazon rainforest and are quite large. They are rarely kept in captivity because they are highly threatened in the wild. More

Common names

Podocnémide de cayenne in French - français
Terecay in Spanish - español
Terekay-Schienenschildkröte in German - Deutsch
tracaja in Spanish - español
Yellow-headed sideneck in English - English
Yellow-headed sideneck turtle in English - English
Yellow-spotted Amazon River Turtle in English - English
Yellow-spotted Amazon Turtle in English - English
yellow-spotted river turtle in English - English
Yellow-spotted sideneck turtle in English - English
Zwarte moerasschildpad in Dutch - Nederlands
Черепаха желтопятнистая амазонская или желтоголовая бокошейная in Russian - русский язык

Picture of Podocnemis unifilis has been licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike license.
Original source: Flickr
Author: EOLTestudines , Testudines
Family : Podocnemididae
Genus : Podocnemis
Species : Podocnemis unifilis
Authority : Troschel, 1848