Desert Night Lizard

The Desert Night Lizard is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.

The Desert Night Lizard Xantusia vigilis is a night lizard native to southern California east of the Sierras and San Gabriel Mountains into Baja California, southern Nevada, southwestern Utah and extreme western Arizona. More

The desert night lizard is small (maximum snout-vent length, 1.5 in ) and has vertically elliptical pupils lacking eyelids. The lizard is covered with small, granular dorsal scales and 12 longitudinal rows of ventral scales. More

desertnightlizardbg: Desert Night LizardCOMMON NAME: Desert Night Lizard SCIENTIFIC NAME: Xantusia vigilis vigilis DESCRIPTION: This is one of the few reptiles that is viviparous; embryos are nourished by a More

The detached tail of a Desert Night Lizard wriggles on the ground. (It kept wriggling for almost 4 minutes.) Many species of lizards release their tail when they want to escape from a potential predator. The tail then continues to wriggle like a living creature. More

Welcome to our desert night lizard webpage for owners and desert night lizard enthusiasts. desert night lizard information - It is a secretive lizard of arid and semi-arid locales. More

Desert night lizard elsewhere on the web * Wikipedia Edit and Show details Add or delete facts, download data in JSON or RDF formats, and explore topic metadata. More

DESERT NIGHT LIZARD Xantusia vigilis DESCRIPTION: A small (up to 57 mm or 2.25 " from snout to vent), soft-skinned lizard with small, dark spots or flecks on a light tan, gray-brown, olive gray, or dark gray background. More

Desert night lizards have a lot of personality, and stalk their insect prey with a cat-like twitching tail. Take care if you must handle them, for they may try to escape your grasp, and can be very wiggly... More

The desert night lizard is rarely found outside cover. FEEDING ECOLOGY AND DIET The desert night lizard is insectivorous, feeding primarily on ants and beetles within the confines of yucca logs and agaves. More

The Desert Night Lizard is from the order Squamata. Species from this order are amphisbaenians, lizards or snakes. There are over 6,000 living species belonging to the squamata order - it is the largest order of all reptiles. More

This Desert Night Lizard is diligently looking for food. Page 1 subscribe to the lizard lounge rss feed Subscribe Bookmark and Share More

Desert Night Lizard Xantusia vigilis = enlarge + Desert Night Lizards, Yucca subspecies More

The vertical pupil of desert night lizards, like cat's eyes, give them away as creatures of the night and dark places. Night lizards are live-bearing, with one to three young per brood. More

Common names

Desert Night Lizard in English - English
Lagartija-escofina de desierto in Spanish - español
vigilis: Desert Night Lizard in English - English
Xantusia vigilis in French - français

Order : Squamata
Family : Xantusiidae
Genus : Xantusia
Species : Xantusia vigilis
Authority : Baird, 1859