The Oaxacan Dwarf Boa is classified as Vulnerable (VU), considered to be facing a high risk of extinction in the wild.
Oaxacan dwarf boa has scales that shine different colors depending on how the light hits them. Scales that do this are known as iridescent (IH-rih-DEH-sent). On the other hand, some members of this family have dull-looking scales with noticeable keels. More
Oaxacan dwarf boa has scales that shine different colors depending on how the light hits them. More
Of the few Oaxacan dwarf boas (Exiliboa placata) that have reached North American institutions, none have been maintained for any length of time in captivity. More
Is that a Oaxacan dwarf boa or a Mexican dwarf? (Google didn't help lol) __________________ Liam Reply With Quote #6 (permalink) Old 19-08-2009, 12:12 AM akelly's Avatar akelly akelly is More
Boa-enana oaxaqueña in Spanish - español
Exiliboa placata in French - français
Oaxacan Dwarf Boa in English - English