Five-lined skink

The Five-lined skink is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.

The name Five-lined Skink can refer to different species of skinks: * Eumeces fasciatus, the Eastern Red-headed Skink of North America * Trachylepis quinquetaeniata, the Five-lined Mabuya of Africa Disambig gray. More

The Southeastern five-lined skink (Eumeces inexpectatus) is a common skink in the southeastern United States. Its scientific name E. inexpectatus ("the unexpected") is possibly a reference to the unexpected discovery of this species. More

The Five-lined Skink is common throughout its range and is given no legal status. Description - The Five-lined Skink is a medium-sized (13–20.5 cm) lizard. More

The Five-lined Skink is easily confused with the Broadhead Skink, but can be distinguished from its considerably smaller size and the presence of only 26-30 rows of scales along its back. More

The Five-lined Skink is a common visitor to rock gardens, patios, and woodsheds. It is quite agile and difficult to catch. The juvenile's bright blue tail is an anti-predator device. It breaks off easily and twitches for a period of time. More

Five-lined Skink is probably active year round in the most southern portions of its range, where it comes out on the warmest winter days. The diet is composed of insects, spiders, snails, and even newborn mice. More

Common Five-lined Skink Plestiodon fasciatus At-a-Glance • Peak Breeding Activity: May-July • Gestation period : 55 days • Number of offspring: 15-18 • Typical Foods: insects, such as spiders, crickets, termites, grasshoppers, More

five-lined skinks have five light lines that run down their backs and tails. More

southeastern five-lined skinks usually have five light stripes on a brown or black background. Adult males often develop orange-brown coloration on their head, especially during the spring breeding season. More

The five-lined skink is a "Threatened Species" in Connecticut and is strictly protected on state lands. It is considered extirpated in Massachusetts, and is of conservation concern in both Vermont and New York. More

Reason for Decline: The five-lined skink is rare and localized in southwestern New England. The small size and fragmented nature of skink populations leaves them vulnerable to ecological catastrophes such as fire. A succession of fires over several years may affect population growth over time. More

name suggests, southeastern five-lined skinks have five characteristic narrow stripes along their bodies that become lighter with age. The middle stripe tends to be narrower than the others, and the dark areas between stripes are black in young skinks but become brown with age. More

Five-lined Skink (Plestiodon fasciatus) = Appearance One of three species of lizards found in Minnesota, this small reptile measures up to 8 inches in length, including its tail. More

Young adult females and juvenile five-lined skinks usually have black bodies with five long yellow stripes running along their back and sides. Their tails are bright blue. This is the range map for the five-lined skink-range is in brown. More

The Five-lined Skink is our most common lizard. They grow up to eight inches long, with males growing slightly larger than females. They are usually black or dark brown, with five light stripes down their backs. More

Five-lined skink, Eumeces fasciatus, from Houston County, MN Status The five-lined skink was listed as Endangered (Oldfield and Moriarty, 1994) until 1996 when Minnesota updated its Endangered and Threatened Species list. More

Five-lined Skink (Plestiodon fasciatus) = Description Habitats Habits and Life History Prey and Hunting Techniques Temperament and Defense Conservation State Distribution and Abundance Gallery More

The five-lined skink is the most abundant, while the six-lined race runner is known only from a small area in the Thumb area of Michigan. 5_lined_skink.JPG (21100 bytes)The most common of the two species is the five-lined skink. More

Five-Lined Skinks are emerging from their eggs in the summer and get their first glimpse of the world. More

In addition to the five-lined skink (Eumeces fasciatus), Ohio also has the broad-head skink (E. laticeps) and the ground skink (Lygosoma laterale). The five-lined skink gets its name from the five broad light stripes on its black or brown body. More

Southeastern five-lined skinks have scales in this row that are nearly equal in width to adjacent scale rows, especially at the base in a non-regenerated portion of tail. More

smaller skinks like the Five-lined Skink is not painful and not likely to break the skin. The skinks of the genus Eumeces are differentiated from other skinks of the Scinidae family in having several distinctive characteristics. More

Five-lined Skink (Plestiodon fasciatus , formerly Eumeces fasciatus ) Southeastern Five-lined Skink (Plestiodon inexpectatus, formerly Eumeces inexpectatus) Broadhead Skink (Plestiodon laticeps, formerly Eumeces laticeps) Three species of Lined Skinks (Plestiodon) are native to South More

The Five-lined Skink (Eumeces fasciatus) is one of the most common lizards in the Eastern United States, so we saw them when we lived in Alabama and enjoy seeing them here in Central Virginia. More

five-lined skink and broadhead skink and is usually only identifiable by close examination of the scales: five-lined skinks have an enlarged row of scales under the tail and four labial (along the upper lip between the nose and eye) scales. More

Southeastern five-lined skinks prefer drier habitats that the similar five-lined skink, and are particularly common in dry pine forests and in coastal areas. More

Common names

five-lined skink in English - English

Picture of Eumeces fasciatus has been licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike license.
Original source: Flickr
Author: Jason Adams
Permission: Some rights reserved
Order : Squamata
Family : Scincidae
Genus : Eumeces
Species : Eumeces fasciatus
Authority : Linnaeus, 1758