Southern Smooth Snake

The Southern Smooth Snake is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.

* Southern smooth snake, Coronella girondica at Reptiles & Amphibians of Europe. Accessed 30 October 2006. Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia. More

The Southern smooth snake was first described by Daudin in 1803, the scientific name of this species is Coronella girondica, Coronella comes from latin and means 'small crown' this has been given because of this snakes pattern around the head. More

The Southern Smooth Snake is a slim, elegant snake with a rounded body and an average length of around 60cm, some reaching just under a metre. If warm enough then they are active between March and November. More

Common names

Colobra bordelesa in Catalan - Català
Coronella girondica in Italian - Italiano
Coronella girondica in Portuguese - Português
Coronella girondica in Spanish - español
Culebra lisa meridional in English - English
Girondische Glattnatter in German - Deutsch
Southern Smooth Snake in English - English

Picture of Coronella girondica has been licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike license.
Original source: Flickr
Author: chema tal y tal , Squamata
Family : Colubridae
Genus : Coronella
Species : Coronella girondica
Authority : DAUDIN 1803