Honey badger

Honey badger

Order : Carnivora
Family : Mustelidae
Subfamily : Mellivorinae


Facts about the subfamily Mellivorinae, the honey badger

All species, except the honey badger, are classified in the subfamily Melinae (true badgers).

Diet The Honey Badger is an omnivore feeding on fish, small animals, insects, eggs, honey (to a lesser degree than is thought) carrion, ground birds, bulbs and roots

Difficult to say really, I believe our badger and the honey badger are around the same build, size and weight, so I suppose it would depend on the gender involved, their nature, age and degree of territorial instincts etc - pretty much aspects that would be considered in guessing a winner in a confrontation between our UK badgers.

Enemies The only enemy of the honey badger are animals of the same species.

Fish - Both the Eurasian badger and the honey badger are known to eat fish from time to time.

However, there is no denying that the honey badger is a remarkable animal.

number of young : 2 longevity : 16 years "Today, the honey badger is

Similarly, the badger is often followed by a goshawk or two, stealing the small prey from the honey badger when they bolt in fear from a hole near where the honey badger is digging.

The American badger, the hog badger and the honey badger are similar in size and weight, though generally a little smaller and lighter.

The Honey Badger is a [CITIES-listed Endangered Species]

The honey badger is thought to be endangered in this country.

[More] Names The honey badger is also known as the ratel.

"The Honey Badger is an omnivore feeding on fish, small animals, insects, eggs, honey (to a lesser degree than is thought) carrion, ground birds, bulbs and roots". (Full text)

Habitat - The honey badger is found almost everywhere in Namibia, except in the Namib Desert. (Full text)

The Honey Badger is a fierce fighter, with very distinctive colouring which serves as a warning to adversaries, and very few get in its way. (Full text)

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