The Webster's Salamander is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
The Webster's Salamander (Plethodon websteri) is a species of salamander in the Plethodontidae family. It is endemic to the United States. Its natural habitat is temperate forests. It is threatened by habitat loss. More
Range of the Webster's Salamander in our region Range of the Webster's Salamander in the eastern U.S.A. More
Webster's Salamander (Plethodon websteri) 26 Mar 2002, Kennesaw Mountain, Cobb County, GA - Slimy Salamander (Plethodon glutinosus complex), probably Northern or Chattahoochee based on location. More
Webster's Salamander (Plethodon websteri) - More
* Webster's Salamander - Plethodon websteri * Wehrle's Salamander - Plethodon wehrlei * Weller's Salamander - Plethodon welleri * Yonahlossee Salamander - Plethodon yonahlossee More
Webster's salamanders (Plethodon websteri) is unusual. These animals occur in a relatively small number of scattered sites from eastern Louisiana, through Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia, to western South Carolina. Historical data are lacking. 2. Historical versus Current Abundance. Generally unknown. More
Webster's Salamander Plethodon websteri Eastern Mud Salamander Pseudotriton montanus Red Salamander Pseudotriton ruber Many-lined Salamander Stereochilus marginatus Waterdogs & Mudpuppies (Family Proteidae) Alabama Waterdog More
Webster's Salamander (Plethodon websteri) Family Proteidae Members of this family, which include Waterdogs and Mudpuppies, are large aquatic salamanders that retain their gills as adults and have four well-developed legs. More
Webster's salamander, Plethodon websteri Gulf Coast mud salamander, Pseudotriton montanus flavissimus red salamander, Pseudotriton ruber ssp. More