The Montane Brown Frog is classified as Least Concern. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
The Montane Brown Frog or Nikkō Frog, Rana ornativentris, is a species of frog in the Ranidae family. It is endemic to Japan. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical dry forests, rivers, swamps, freshwater marshes, arable land, irrigated land, and seasonally flooded agricultural land. More
Montane Brown Frog at the Edge of Mountain Stream 川岸のヤマアカガエル = sigma1920 1,187 videos Subscribe Edit Subscription Loading... 65 views 65 views sigma1920 — May 12, 2009 — This is a montane brown frog (Rana ornativentris, family Ranidae). More
* Montane Brown Frog at the Edge of Mountain Stream 川岸のヤマアカガエル1:45 * Add to queue Added to queueMontane Brown Frog at the Edge of Mountain Stre... More
The Montane Brown Frogs are hibernating in the pail Halfly awaken Mantane Brown Frog, Tama Zoo Makimura removed leaves to show me the frog. Do you see it? It's a the Mantane Brown Frog, looks so sleepy. More
Habitat and Habits : Montane brown frogs inhabit woodland of the mountains. Some of them come to breeding site in late fall. Breeding : This species breeds in mid Janualy to April, a female deposits 1,000-1,900 eggs in the sunny shallow pools. More
Montane Brown Frog , Yama Aka-gaeru or Rana ornativentris . photo: 05/2004, Niigata, Japan. Japanese Brown Frog , Nihon Aka-gaeru or Rana japonica . photo: 06/2004, Niigata, Japan. Montane Brown Frog , Yama Aka-gaeru or Rana ornativentris . photo: 06/2004, Niigata, Japan. More
“The wild Montane Brown Frogs came in and left their eggs in here. They are todpoles now. The water is not clear because of algae, which the tadpoles eat to grow up. More
HOME 検索結果 Montane Brown Frog at the Edge of Mountain Stream 川岸のヤマアカガエル Montane Brown Frog at the Edge of Mountain Stream 川岸のヤマアカガエル - Now Loading 再生中の動画が違反動画である場合は 掲載元サイトへご連絡をお願いいたします。 この動画の掲載元 » More
Montane brown frog Rana ornativentris (Werner, 1903) Regnum:Animalia Phylum|:Ch... More
Montane Brown Frog at the Edge of Mountain Stream 川岸のヤマアカガエル Montane Brown Frog at the Edge of Mounta Views: 54 | Username: sigma1920 Girinos de rã verde Girinos de rã verde No rating More
Sawara Matsuri Festival 5 / 佐原の大祭〜新上川岸の山車乱曳き, Montane Brown Frog at the Edge of Mountain Stream 川岸のヤマアカガエル, 下川岸区 入場 (平成3年新宿祭禮), 下川岸区 のの字廻し (平成19年新宿祭禮), 下川岸区 のの字廻し (平成19年新宿祭禮), 仲川岸 山車会館搬入曳き廻し1, 仲川岸 山車会館搬入曳き廻し4, 仲川岸 山車会館搬入曳き廻し2, 佐原諏訪神社祭礼 仲川岸区山車 の之字廻し, 千葉dc 「仲川岸」, 千葉DC 「仲川岸」, 千葉dc 「本川岸」, 夜の小野川岸(平成19年新宿祭禮), のの字廻し08-本川岸, 岡谷支線 川岸→岡谷 中央本線 岡谷→下諏訪 前面展望, More
Montane Brown Frog or Rana temporaria ornativentiris: A master in a deep valley (2006 / 07 / 03) Chilcheon ES, Korea What sorts of frogs are there in your place? More