Giant Gecko

Giant Gecko is a giant lizard that lives in the Sandora Desert. Ace used it as a transport in the Sandora Desert. It's an anime-only animal. More

Our giant gecko has been making a pain in the arse of himself of late. The night before last he made a noise exactly like someone desperately knocking on our door causing me to get up and dressed and dash out. More

Bavay's giant gecko (Rhacodactylus chahoua) on a tree trunk; top view (captive; New Caledonia) - Photography by: James Hager Image Options: Select Image Size: License Usage Type: Basic More

English: Leach's giant gecko; French: gecko géant de Leach, caméléon géant; German: Neukaledonischer Riesengecko. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS The species grows to 10 in (255 mm) in snout-vent length and is considered the largest living gecko. More

rare giant gecko morphs, most of our babies are pre-ordered and held with a 100.00 deposit. That deposit will be applied to the final payment when the animals are ready to be shipped. More

The site aims to deliver information about the giant gecko and some of its relatives, without claiming completeness or trying to serve as a care-sheet. Instead, the site shall work as a starting point and direct the reader to continuative literature and sources. More

Giant geckos are kept in pairs, require large enclosures, have a long generation time, and on average in large colonies produce 4 babies a year. More

The Giant Gecko is a native of both the mainland and several islands off the shore of New Caledonia. There are several different locales that are based on the area that they originate from. More

broad belt, in search of the giant geckoes on a group of isolated islands off the south coast. They aim to compare the DNA from these specimens with DNA from their closest mainland New Cal. relatives in order to determine whether they are actually separate species. More

giant gecko (Rhacodactylus leachianus henkeli) crawled out of its eggshell and entered the world like so many others of its species. But unlike them, this gecko might not have a father. More

The New Caledonian giant gecko is the largest living gecko in the world right now as far as overall bulk, which is part of its appeal as a pet. Its fleshy folds of skin make it ‘comfortable’ to handle, although not all specimens tolerate human handling. More

Caledonian Giant Gecko ! - 2008/08/28 10:33 Im interested in keeping some Caledonian Giant Geckos (Rhacodactylus leachianus). More

Temperament —As with Crested geckos, giant geckos are one of the few arboreal species of geckos that are relatively easy to handle. They do not bite but may attempt to leap to nearby objects. More

See all Sarasin's Giant Gecko Clubs / association listings Find a Club / association OR Members in your area urbanpaws urbanpaws Phoenix Phoenix Norfolks R Us Norfolks R Us dfox111 More

Giant geckos are, as the name implies, the largest described geckos in the world. They can reach a total length of 17 inches (43 centimeters) and can weigh over a pound (455 grams). More

The giant gecko is the biggest you get of this family – up to 9.5 inches in length from tail to head. More

Welcome to our sarasin's giant gecko webpage for owners and sarasin's giant gecko enthusiasts. sarasin's giant gecko information - The species is sometimes seen in captivity. A pair may be kept in a 20 gallon "high" terrarium. More

Common names

Giant Gecko in English - English

Order : Squamata
Family : Gekkonidae
Genus : Gekko
Species : Gekko gigante
Authority : BROWN & ALCALA 1978