Falanouc and Malagasy civet

Falanouc and Malagasy civet

Order : Carnivora
Family : Viverridae
Subfamily : Euplerinae


Facts about the subfamily Euplerinae, the falanouc and Malagasy civet

The tail of the falanouc is wide and cylindrical and is used to store fat in times of low food availability.

The teeth of the falanouc are short with large single cusp, similar to the teeth of the insectivores.

The Eastern Falanouc is fawn colored with a cream colored underbelly.

The Falanouc is a [CITIES-listed Endangered Species]

The Malagasy Civet is a [CITIES-listed Endangered Species]

The Malagasy civet is threatened, probably due to deforestation.

embermae falanouc is trusted by: (Full text)

In consequence, many are faced with severe loss of habitat: several species are classed as vulnerable and both the Otter Civet and the Falanouc are classified as endangered. (Full text)

In consequence, many are Paradoxurinae faced with severe loss of habitat: several species Nandiniae are classed as vulnerable and both the Otter Civet and the Falanouc are classified as endangered. (Full text)

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