Fringed flounder

The Fringed flounder lives in the demersal, oceanodromous, brackish, marine, depth range 0 - 65 m , usually 0 - 30 m environment.

In contrast, fringed flounder is uncommon in Virginia’s portion of the Bay and occurs in considerably lower abundances than its congener. More

month is the fringed flounder, a diminutive flatfish that occasionally visits the Bay. This month’s samples yielded greater numbers of these fish than any other sampling events in recent memory. More

Common names

Etrop in Russian (русский язык)
Flounder in English
fringed flounder in English
Lenguado in sp
Lenguado in Spanish (español)
Lenguado boca chica in Spanish (español)
Lenguado de boca chica in Spanish (español)
Lenguado orlado in Spanish (español)
Lenguado ribete in Spanish (español)
Linguado in Portuguese (Português)
Perpeire frange in French (français)
Rombou petite gueule in French (français)
Solha in Portuguese (Português)
Solha urumaçara in Portuguese (Português)
腹肢鮃 in Mandarin Chinese
腹肢鲆 in Mandarin Chinese

Picture of Etropus crossotus has been licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial.
Original source: FishBase
Permission: Some rights reserved
Order : Pleuronectiformes
Family : Paralichthyidae
Genus : Etropus
Species : Etropus crossotus
Authority : Jordan and Gilbert, 1882