Swan galaxias

Galaxias fontanus is a species of fish in the Galaxiidae family, informally known as the Swan galaxias It is endemic to Tasmania.

The Swan galaxias lives in the benthopelagic, freshwater environment.

The Swan galaxias is classified as Critically Endangered (CR), facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild.

Swan galaxias is a name for two species of fish in Australia: * Galaxias fontanus, found in Tasmania * Galaxiella munda, found in southwest Australia Disambig gray. More

The Swan galaxias is a purely stream-dwelling species which spawns in spring within the normal adult habitat. The exact site of egg laying is unknown. The larvae develop over a five week period and prefer shallow, slow flowing water. More

Swan galaxiasCurrent status: Listed as endangered in Tasmania's Threatened Species Protection Act 1995 and also on Federal legislation, Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. More

The Swan galaxias (Galaxias fontanus) was described (Fulton 1978) following the discovery of a population above Hardings Falls on the Swan River in eastern Tasmania. Access to this area was made possible by roadworks associated with forestry development. More

informally known as the Swan galaxias It is Endemism to Tasmania.... More

Common names

Swan galaxias in English
泉南乳魚 in Mandarin Chinese
泉南乳魚 in Unknown
泉南乳鱼 in Mandarin Chinese
泉南乳鱼 in Unknown

Order : Osmeriformes
Family : Galaxiidae
Genus : Galaxias
Species : Galaxias fontanus
Authority : Fulton, 1978