Linophryne lucifer

The Linophryne lucifer lives in the bathypelagic, marine, depth range 0 - 1000 m environment.

Record of the ceratioid fish, Linophryne lucifer in the NW Atlantic. Acta Ichthyol. Piscat. 1 (1): 59-65. This paper describes a rare specimen of deep-sea angler-fish, Linophryne lucifer, collected from a depth of about 400 metres on the NW Flemish Capfishing-ground of the NW Atlantic. More

, Record of the ceratioid fish, Linophryne lucifer in the NW Atlantic ABSTRACT Cięglewicz W., Hoppe G., The relation between the water temperature and the rate of growth of flounder Platichthys flesus (L. More

Linophryne lucifer; several additional specimens of Linophryne are larger than 100 mm SL. The largest recorded females of the other four genera of the family range from 50 to 159: 69 mm in Photocorynus, 159 mm in Haplophryne, 105 mm in Acentrophryne, and 101 mm in Borophryne. More

Linophryne lucifer , Linophryne maderensis , Linophryne parini , Linophryne ... Scopeloberyx rubriventer , Scopelogadus beanii , Scopelogadus unispinis Class: ... 10 Preliminary List of Fishes by Seamount Ceratoscopelus maderensis. native. 050906. Ceratoscopelus warmingii. More

Common names

forkbarbel netdevil in English
Surtla in Icelandic (Íslenska)
Tvebladet trådangler in Danish (dansk)
灯笼树须鱼 in Mandarin Chinese
燈籠樹鬚魚 in Mandarin Chinese

Order : Lophiiformes
Family : Linophrynidae
Genus : Linophryne
Species : Linophryne lucifer
Authority : Collett, 1886