Sechura lizardfish

The Sechura lizardfish which is also known as Synodus sechurae is a type of lizardfish or Synodontidae that lives mainly in the eastern pacific.

The Sechura lizardfish lives in the demersal, marine, depth range 45 - 60 m environment.

Nothing known about the Sechura lizardfish

Common names

Anoli iguane in French (français)
Chile in sp
chile iguana in Spanish (español)
Garrobo in sp
Huavina in Spanish (español)
iguana lizardfish in English
lagarto in sp
Lagarto iguana in Spanish (español)
Lizardfish in English
Pez lagartija in Spanish (español)
Sechura lizardfish in English
塞氏狗母魚 in Mandarin Chinese
塞氏狗母魚 in Unknown
塞氏狗母鱼 in Mandarin Chinese
塞氏狗母鱼 in Unknown

Picture of Synodus sechurae has been licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial.
Original source: FishBase
Permission: Some rights reserved
Order : Aulopiformes
Family : Synodontidae
Genus : Synodus
Species : Synodus sechurae
Authority : Hildebrand, 1946