Shorttail pike conger

The Shorttail pike conger lives in the demersal, non-migratory, marine environment.

Nothing known about the Shorttail pike conger

Common names

Bigeye pike eel in English
Hashinaga-anago in Japanese (日本語)
Korthalet geddemuræne in Danish (dansk)
Large-eyed pike-eel in English
Pamuréna mekkotlamá in Czech (česky)
Shorttail pike conger in English
細頜鰻 in Mandarin Chinese
细颌鳗 in Mandarin Chinese
물붕장어 in Korean (한국어)

Picture of Oxyconger leptognathus has been licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial.
Original source: FishBase
Permission: Some rights reserved
Order : Anguilliformes
Family : Muraenesocidae
Genus : Oxyconger
Species : Oxyconger leptognathus
Authority : Bleeker, 1858