
The Myrtales are an order of flowering plants placed as a basal group within the rosid group of dicotyledons .

Families in the order Myrtales of plants

Myrtaceae - The Myrtaceae or Myrtle family are a family of dicotyledon plants, placed within the order Myrtales.

Melastomataceae - The family Melastomataceae is a taxon of dicotyledonous flowering plants found mostly in the tropics comprising some 200 genera and 4500 species.

Combretaceae - Bucidaceae Spreng. Myrobalanaceae Martinov Strephonemataceae Venkat. Terminaliaceae J.

Thymelaeaceae - Thymelaeaceae is a cosmopolitan family of flowering plants composed of 50 genera and 898 species


Crypteroniaceae - Crypteroniaceae is a family of flowering trees and shrubs.

Onagraceae - Circaeaceae Bercht. Epilobiaceae Vent. Jussiaeaceae Martinov Oenotheraceae C.

Lythraceae - Lythraceae is a family of flowering plants.


Rhynchocalycaceae - Rhynchocalyx lawsonioides is a small flowering tree, the sole species of family Rhynchocalycaceae.