Family Combretaceae

Bucidaceae Spreng. Myrobalanaceae Martinov Strephonemataceae Venkat. Terminaliaceae J.

Genera in the family Combretaceae of plants


Anogeissus - Anogeissus is a genus of trees native to South Asia, the Arabian Peninsula, and Africa, belonging to family Combretaceae.


Buchenavia - Buchenavia is a genus of plant in family Combretaceae.


Bucida - Bucida is a genus of flowering plants in the Indian almond family, Combretaceae.


Combretum - Aetia Adans. Bureava Baill. Cacoucia Aubl. Calopyxis Tul. Campylochiton Welw. Chrysostachys Pohl Cristaria Sonn. Embryogonia Blume Forsgardia Vell. Gonocarpus Ham. Grislea L. Hambergera Scop. Physopodium Desv. Poivrea Comm. Schousboea Willd. Seguiera Rchb. Sheadendron G.

Conocarpus - Rudbeckia Adans.


Pteleopsis - Pteleopsis is a genus of plant in family Combretaceae.

Terminalia - Terminalia can refer to: