Usambara torrent frog

The Usambara torrent frog is classified as Endangered (EN), considered to be facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild.

The Usambara Torrent Frog (Arthroleptides martiensseni) is a species of frog in the Petropedetidae family. It is endemic to Tanzania. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests, subtropical or tropical moist montanes, and rivers. It is threatened by habitat loss. More

Usambara Torrent Frog RC-4814 Please link to this site. Usambara Weaver RC-4007 Please link to this site. Usangu Lampeye RC-9782 Please link to this site. Utah Prairie Dog RC-2123 Please link to this site. Utah Valvata Snail RC-849 Please link to this site. More

The usambara torrent frog (arthroleptides martiensseni) is a species of frog in the wikipedia is a registered trademark of the wikimedia foundation, motherboard comparrisons inc, a us. More

Usambara torrent frog (Petropedetes martiensseni)Van deusen's rat (Stenomys vandeuseni)Van Gelder's bat (Antrozous dubiaquercus)Vanzolini's spiny-chest frog (Alsodes vanzolinii)Vaquita (Phocoena sinus)Vellard's water frog (Telmatobius vellardi)Veracruz Green Salamander (Pseudoeurycea lynchi)Veracruz Pigmy Salamander (Thorius pennatulus)Veracruz worm salamander (Pseudoeurycea lineola)Verreaux's ... More

The Usambara Torrent Frog is a species of frog in the Petropedetidae family. More

Order : Anura
Family : Petropedetidae
Genus : Petropedetes
Species : martiensseni
Authority : (Nieden, 1911)