
The Kumakuma lives in the demersal, potamodromous, freshwater, brackish environment.

KumaKuma by *syncaidia is one of the most detailed, defined and gorgeous pictures I have seen to date. The colors she chose are stunning and the lighting is magnificent. More

Kumakuma has not updated the profile yet. 0 Videos 23 Likes 0 Contacts 0 Groups 1 Channel 0 Albums Sorry, kumakuma doesn't have any videos yet. More

Common names

Axakwan in Palicur
Bagre amarelo in Portuguese (Português)
Bagre blanco in Spanish (español)
Bagre branco in Portuguese (Português)
Bagre laulao in French (français)
Bagre laulau in Spanish (español)
Bandeirinha in Portuguese (Português)
Blanco pobre in Spanish (español)
Cadete in Portuguese (Português)
Chumbadinha in Portuguese (Português)
Dourada in Portuguese (Português)
Dourado in Portuguese (Português)
Filhote in Portuguese (Português)
Guirí in Portuguese (Português)
Jandiáuva in Portuguese (Português)
Jättilapamonni in Finnish (suomen kieli)
Jundiáuva in Portuguese (Português)
Kumakuma in English
Kumakuma-malle in Danish (dansk)
Lau-lau in English
Letkaima in South American Indian (Other)
Letkaima in Wayana
Pilau in Oyampi
Pilau in South American Indian (Other)
Pirá-aíba in Portuguese (Português)
piraiba in English
Piraíba in Portuguese (Português)
Piraíba aiúa in Portuguese (Português)
Piraíba de pele in Portuguese (Português)
Piraíba grande in Portuguese (Português)
Piraíba ruim in Portuguese (Português)
Piramutaba in Portuguese (Português)
Piranambu in Portuguese (Português)
Piratinga in Portuguese (Português)
Piriaba in Portuguese (Português)
Torche in Creole, French
Torche in Creoles and Pidgins, French
Urubarana in Portuguese (Português)
丝条短平口鲶 in Mandarin Chinese
大苏禄油鲶 in Mandarin Chinese
大蘇祿油鯰 in Mandarin Chinese
絲條短平口鯰 in Mandarin Chinese

Picture of Brachyplatystoma filamentosum has been licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial.
Original source: FishBase
Permission: Some rights reserved
Order : Siluriformes
Family : Pimelodidae
Genus : Brachyplatystoma
Species : Brachyplatystoma filamentosum
Authority : Lichtenstein, 1819