Smallfin tonguefish

The Smallfin tonguefish lives in the bathydemersal, marine, depth range 523 - 530 m environment.

* Smallfin tonguefish, Symphurus microlepis (Bleeker, 1851). * Symphurus microrhynchus (Weber, 1913). * Largescale tonguefish, Symphurus minor Ginsburg, 1951. * Symphurus monostigmus Munroe, 2006. More

* Smallfin tonguefish, Symphurus microlepis (BleekerPieter Bleeker Pieter Bleeker was a Netherlands medical doctor and ichthyology, famous for his work on the fishes of East Asia. More

Common names

Langue mutilée in French (français)
Lengua mocha in Spanish (español)
Smallfin tonguefish in English
小鱗無線鰨 in Mandarin Chinese
小鱗無線鰨 in Unknown
小鳞无线鳎 in Mandarin Chinese
小鳞无线鳎 in Unknown

Picture of Symphurus microlepis has been licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial.
Original source: FishBase
Permission: Some rights reserved
Order : Pleuronectiformes
Family : Cynoglossidae
Genus : Symphurus
Species : Symphurus microlepis
Authority : Garman, 1899