Fringed stargazer

The Fringed stargazer lives in the demersal, marine, depth range 15 - 22 m environment.

Last visited taxon Ichthyscopus barbatus - Fringed Stargazer SHOW INFO Taxon - Names = << Go back one level - Ichthyscopus species Fringed Stargazer Ichthyscopus barbatus Mees, 1960 = More

Rationale: Although the Fringed Stargazer may have a broad geographic range, it is included here because the species (i) is a benthic, site-associated fish in sand habitats of the upper continental shelf; it may be susceptible to localised impacts, and may have a relatively low More

Common names

Fringed stargazer in English
miracielo de arena in sp
miraestrella de arena in sp
Miraestrellas in sp
Miraestrellas orlada in Spanish (español)
sand-stargazer in English
危瓜多尔指鰧 in Mandarin Chinese
危瓜多爾指鰧 in Mandarin Chinese

Order : Perciformes
Family : Dactyloscopidae
Genus : Dactyloscopus
Species : Dactyloscopus fimbriatus
Authority : Reid, 1935