Genus Garcinia

Brindonia Thouars Cambogia L. Clusianthemum Vieill. Mangostana Gaertn. Oxycarpus Lour. Pentaphalangium Warb. Rheedia L. Septogarcinia Kosterm. Tripetalum K. Tsimatimia Jum. Verticillaria Ruiz & Pav. Xanthochymus Roxb.

Species in the genus Garcinia of plants


Garcinia afzelii - It is endemic to tropical forests of West Africa.


Garcinia epunctata - Garcinia epunctata is a tall tropical rainforest tree in the Clusiaceae family. The tree is known for growing on inselbergs found in moist tropical forests of West Africa, including Upper Guinean forests, Lower Guinean forests, and Congolian forests south through Angola, both coastal and inland forests.


Male Kola - Traditionally used to treat illness by African medicinemen, trials on the plant have shown promising signs it may benefit ebola victims by slowing down multiplication of the virus, giving the victim's body more time to develop a proper autoimmune response. The active compound responsible for its curative properties is a dimeric flavonoid, much like those found in orange and lemon rinds, and yields to modification, so even if this particular plant cannot cure ebola on its own, it provides the foundation from which scientists can discover a cure. Studies, if successful, could spill over to other types of antiviral treatment.