Gymnostemon zaizou
Gymnostemon zaizou is a species of semi-deciduous forest tree in the Simaroubaceae family. More at "Wikipedia"Gymnostemon - Gymnostemon is a genus of plant in family Simaroubaceae.Flora of Côte d'Ivoire CategoryMore Related Topics... More
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Gymnostemon zaizou is a species of semi-deciduous forest tree in the Simaroubaceae family. It is endemic to Côte d'Ivoire and threatened by habitat loss throughout its native range of the Sassandra River Basin. G. zaizou is a commercial hardwood species that is well-adapted to the heavy rainfall of western Africa. Wood from this species of tree is also used locally to make barred percussion instruments. Source - * Assi, A. 1998. Gymnostemon zaizou. More