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Kauai pricklyash
Zanthoxylum kauaense, commonly known as A?e or Kaua?i Prickly-ash, is a species of flowering plant in the citrus family, Rutaceae, that is endemic to Hawaii. It usually inhabits mixed mesic forests at elevations of 300–1,980 m , but can also be found in dry and wet forests. It is threatened by habitat loss.The duration of the Kauai pricklyash plant is Perennial. This plant-life has a symbol of ZAKA and a Taxanomic Serial of 28855. Kauai Pricklyash has the following hierarchy; Kingdom: Plantae (Plants), Subkingdom: Tracheobionta (Vascular plants), Superdivision: Spermatophyta (Seed plants), Division: Magnoliophyta (Flowering plants), Class: Magnoliopsida (Dicotyledons), Subclass: Rosidae, Order: Sapindales, Family: Rutaceae (Rue family), Genus: Zanthoxylum L. (pricklyash), Species: Zanthoxylum kauaense A. Gray (Kauai pricklyash). Kauai Pricklyash has HI N native status classifications. More