West indian satinwood
In its native subtropical range Z. flavum grows in areas with average to high rainfall year-round or with defined dry seasons. It grows on a variety of soils with different drainage regimes from rapidly draining volcanic derived soils to well-draining clay soils. clusters of small pale yellow to cream-coloured flowers and small black seeds. Pollination is probably from bees, and the seeds are thought to be dispersed by birds and bats as with the closely related species, Z. martinicense.West Indian satinwood, sometimes called yellowwood, is considered superior. It is the golden yellow, lustrous, even-grained wood of an evergreen (Zanthoxylum flavum) found in the Florida Keys and the West Indies. It has long been valued for furniture. It is also used for musical instruments, veneers, and other purposes. Satinwood is classified in the division Magnoliophyta Magnoliophyta (m?g'n?l??f`?t?) ..... Click the link for more information. , class Magnoliopsida, order Sapindales, family Rutaceae. - satinwood1. More
the West Indian satinwood (Zanthoxylum flavum) of the rue family sat·in·wood (s?t?n-wo?od?) noun 1. A deciduous tree (Chloroxylon swietenia) of India and Sri Lanka, having hard, yellowish, close-grained wood. 2. A West Indian tree (Zanthoxylum flavum) having smooth, slightly oily, lustrous wood. 3. More
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