Original source: Plants of Hawaii, Image 020803-0078 from http://www.hear.org/starr/plants/images/image/?q=020803-0078
Author: Forest & Kim Starr

Permission: Some rights reserved
Australian redcedar
The southern most limit of natural distribution is on basaltic soils, growing west of the Princes Highway near the village of Turmeil, south of Ulladulla, southern Illawarra, NSW. It also naturally occurs at Norfolk Island.Toona ciliata is a forest tree in the family Meliaceae which grows throughout southern Asia from Afganistan to Papua New Guinea and Australia. In Australia its natural habitat is now extensively cleared subtropical rainforests of New South Wales and Queensland. The Australian population was formerly treated as distinct species under the name T. australis. The species can grow to around 60m in height and its trunk can reach 3m in girth. The largest recorded T. More
* Toona ciliata is important timber tree, providing a valuable hardwood used for furniture, ornamental panelling, shipbuilding, etc. The Australian population of T. ciliata was formerly treated as a distinct species T. australis. More