Original source: Thomas Gronemeyer
Author: Thomas Gronemeyer

Nepenthes truncata
On September 29, 2006, at the Botanical Gardens in Lyon, France, a Nepenthes truncata was photographed containing the decomposing corpse of a mouse. This incident is the first record of a mammal being successfully trapped in the pitchers of N. truncata. Both N. rajah are known to occasionally catch small mammals in the wild.Nepenthes truncata is characterised by its heart-shaped (truncate) leaves and very large pitchers, which can reach up to 40 cm in height. Carnivory - On September 29, 2006, at the Botanical Gardens in Lyon, France, a Nepenthes truncata was photographed containing the decomposing corpse of a mouse. This incident is the first record of a mammal being successfully trapped in the pitchers of N. truncata. Both N. rajah and N. More
Nepenthes truncata highland is a large pitchering Nepenthes that is truly spectacular. The leaves are very large and truncated, or kind of cut off while the pitchers are over 4 -6 inches in length. Size coupled with a intense coloration and you have once Read more Availability: OUT OF STOCK Price: $18. More