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Original source: Shawn Mayes
Author: Shawn Mayes
Original source: Shawn Mayes
Author: Shawn Mayes
Nepenthes talangensis
auct. non Korth.: Jebb & Cheek ;Nepenthes talangensis is a highland species from Indonesia. Its pitchers are rather small. Most are only about 2 inches, but depending on the environment, they can get to 4 inches. The pitchers are very unusual. The lower pitchers are short and funnel-shaped with a relatively wide maroon lip. Dark red speckles adorn the outside of the pitcher. To increase the insect-capturing effectiveness of its dainty little pitchers, each pitcher is filled with an unusually thick, stringy, slimy fluid. More
my male Nepenthes talangensis (BE) is in flower. If you are interested in pollen please contact me. More
Nepenthes talangensis in cultivation. More