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Original source: ma_suska
Author: ma_suska
Original source: ma_suska
Author: ma_suska
Nepenthes spathulata
One of the first collections of N. spathulata was made by Maurits Anne Lieftinck. The specimen Lieftinck 11 was collected in January 1935Nepenthes spathulata (pronounced /n??p?n?i?z ?spæ?ju??l??t?/) is a tropical pitcher plant native to Java and Sumatra, where it grows at elevations of between 1100 and 2900 m above sea level. The specific epithet spathulata is derived from the Latin word spathulatus, meaning "spatula shaped", and refers to the shape of the lamina. More
Nepenthes spathulata proves folly for the mouse. It now belongs to the plant. Update: Now it seems this is confusing many people and/or makin... * Rating 1 Star Views: ( 793454 ) Duration: ( 0. More