Nepenthes ramispina
N. macfarlanei × N. ramispinaNepenthes ramispina is a great species because of its dark brown to nearly black pitchers. The inside of the pitcher is a cream color which offsets the dark brown exterior nicely. There's a picture in Gordon Cheers' book "Carnivorous Plants of the World" that refers to the same plant as Nepenthes gracillima. I don't know if N. gracillima and N. ramispina are two truly different species or two plants that are the same with two different names. I do grow N. More
Nepenthes ramispina Cameron Highlands W.Maleisie Nepenthes nat. hybrid with N. macfarlanei ? Cameron Highlannds Nepenthes X hookeriana (N.rafflesiana x N.ampullaria) nat.hybr. Nepenthes albo-marginata Bukit Bendera Pulau Penang alt 700 m. More
How are the Nepenthes ramispina to grow? Its one of the closests ive seen to a black nep. Other than a N. More