Original source: Originally from en.wikipedia; description page is/was here.
Author: Original uploader was Attenboroughii at en.wikipedia
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Tropical Pitcher Plant
Nepenthes rafflesiana is a very widespread lowland species. It is common in Borneo and parts of the Riau Archipelago, but has a restricted distribution in both Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra. It is only widespread in the southeastern region of the Malay Peninsula, particularly in the state of Johor, where it is relatively abundant. Nepenthes rafflesiana has only been recorded from the west coast of Sumatra, between Indrapura and Barus.previous page: Nepenthes Rafflesianapage up: The Florist And Garden Miscellanynext page: Netting For Greenhouses - More
Nepenthes rafflesiana is a very widespread lowland species. It is common in Borneo and parts of the Riau Archipelago, but has a restricted distribution in both Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra. It is only widespread in the southeastern region of the Malay Peninsula, particularly in the state of Johor, where it is relatively abundant. N. rafflesiana has only been recorded from the west coast of Sumatra, between Indrapura and Barus. N. rafflesiana generally occurs in open, sandy, wet areas. More
Nepenthes Rafflesiana is a lowland plant. An easy growing species with cream-colored traps nearly covered in dark red splotches. Read more Availability: OUT OF STOCK Price: $8.50 click to enlarge Nepenthes Alata-Giant X Spectabilis An excellent hybrid, tested for hardiness in home cultivation. More