Original source: Danser, B.H. 1928. The Nepenthaceae of the Netherlands Indies. Bulletin de Jardin de Botanique, Buitenzorg, Série III, 9(3–4): 249–438.
Nepenthes pilosa
Nepenthes pilosa is a tropical pitcher plant endemic to Borneo. It is characterised by a dense indumentum of long yellow-brown hairs. Pitchers have a distinctive hook-shaped appendage on the underside of the lid. The specific epithet derives from the Latin word pilosus, meaning hairy.Nepenthes pilosa (pronounced /n??p?n?i?z pa??lo?z?/) is a tropical pitcher plant endemic to Borneo. It is characterised by a dense indumentum of long yellow-brown hairs. Pitchers have a distinctive hook-shaped appendage on the underside of the lid. The specific epithet derives from the Latin word pilosus, meaning "hairy". Nepenthes pilosa was for a long time conflated with N. chaniana and, with the exception of the type material, all specimens identified as N. pilosa prior to the description of N. More
Nepenthes pilosa was first encountered in 1899 on Bukit Batu Lesung, a remote ridge in the mountainous interior of Borneo. After 1899, Bukit Batu Lesung remained unvisited by botanists with knowledge of Nepenthes for more than one hundred years. Thus, for the entire course of this period, no further observations of the N. pilosa type were made. More