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Original source: ma_suska
Author: ma_suska
Original source: ma_suska
Author: ma_suska
Nepenthes murudensis
Nepenthes murudensis was known for some time prior to its description, although authors differed as to its identity. In 1988, Anthea Phillipps and Anthony Lamb suggested that it might represent a natural hybrid between N. reinwardtiana and N. tentaculata.Nepenthes murudensis was known for some time prior to its description, although authors differed as to its identity. In 1988, Anthea Phillipps and Anthony Lamb suggested that it might represent a natural hybrid between N. reinwardtiana and N. tentaculata. However, in their 1996 monograph Pitcher-Plants of Borneo the authors treated it as a species in the process of being described, referring to it as "Nepenthes murudensis Culham ined. More
* Nepenthes murudensis at ARKiveARKiveARKive is a global initiative to locate and gather films, photographs and audio recordings of the world's species into one centralised digital library for the benefit of present and future generations... More