Nepenthes macrovulgaris
N. macrovulgaris is most closely related to N. hirsuta and N. hispida, and may be difficult to distinguish from them. Botanists Matthew Jebb and Martin Cheek suggest that N. macrovulgaris is also related to N. philippinensis, a species endemic to Palawan in the Philippines.Nepenthes macrovulgarisNepenthes macrovulgaris Nepenthes macrovulgaris Genre : Nepenthes Climat de plaine. Plante vivace terrestre de 6 mètres de haut. Feuilles elliptiques vertes. Urnes cylindriques vertes tachetées de rouge. Péristome rayé de rouge... More
Nepenthes macrovulgaris is considered a lowlander from where it grows in its natural environment. From reading in Pitcher Plants of Sabah by Charles Clarke this species had a wide distribution. It is not a common species and is considered similar to N. hirsuta. I've seen some photos and this species is nicer than N. hirsuta. The peristome has some red stripes and the pitchers appear more cylindrical. I've had difficulty with this species growing it as a windowsill plant. More