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Original source: Alfindra Primaldhi
Author: Alfindra Primaldhi
Original source: Alfindra Primaldhi
Author: Alfindra Primaldhi

Nepenthes gymnamphora
The specific epithet gymnamphora is derived from the Greek words gymnos and amphoreus .Nepenthes gymnamphora (pronounced /n??p?n?i?z d??m?nĉmf?r?/) is a tropical pitcher plant native to the Indonesian islands of Java and Sumatra. There is much debate surrounding the taxonomic status of this species and the taxa N. pectinata and N. xiphioides. The specific epithet gymnamphora is derived from the Greek words gymnos (naked) and amphoreus (pitcher). An illustration of the type specimen of N. More
Nepenthes gymnamphora Distribution Illustrations - Haeckel Nepenthaceae.jpg Nepenthes gymnamphora.jpg Retrieved from "http://commons.wikimedia. More