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Original source: Alfindra Primaldhi
Author: Alfindra Primaldhi
Original source: Alfindra Primaldhi
Author: Alfindra Primaldhi

Nepenthes glabrata
The specific epithet glabrata is derived from the Latin word glaber, meaning hairless, and refers to the mostly glabrous nature of this species.Nepenthes glabrata (pronounced /n??p?n?i?z ??lębr??t?/) is a tropical pitcher plant endemic to Sulawesi. The species grows in open, high forest at elevations of 1600 to 2100 m. It produces dainty, colourful pitchers reaching only a few centimetres in height. These traps are red speckled on a yellowish background, giving them a "hand painted" appearance. The specific epithet glabrata is derived from the Latin word glaber, meaning "hairless", and refers to the mostly glabrous nature of this species. More
Nepenthes glabrata Upper pitcher of a nice and big variety from Central Sulawesi Last update at 6/13/2010 - 09:54 New in the shop - spring 2010 - Nepenthes bokorensis (Mt. More